Making the American Dream Available to Every American – CEO Newel Brands

How can we make the American dream available not just to a select few Americans, but to every American?

African Americans don’t feel fully part of the fabric of America society because systemic racism, discrimination and economic/social injustice have been barriers that have effectively denied people of color their full rights and privileges of American citizenship. Blacks and people of color have had to fight and to demand for decades for their inalienable civil and human rights and privileges, which are accorded freely to the majority, to become full citizens in America.

“As Americans, we need to proactively address aspects of our society in which discrimination and racism are systemic and root them out,” Ravi Saligram, Newel Brand’s President and CEO wrote. “We need to open our hearts and truly believe that every one of us is equal, not succumb to tawdry stereotypes or allow the insidious hand of unconscious bias to seep deep into our souls.”

Saligram wrote in a letter to Newel Brand’s team members entitled “Embracing Our Humanity” that “his hope [is that] this tragedy will galvanize Americans—black, brown, white, Democrat, Independent, Republican, male, female or however one identifies—to come together to acknowledge and reject racism and discrimination of any kind. As Americans, we need to proactively address aspects of our society in which discrimination and racism are systemic and root them out. We need to open our hearts and truly believe that every one of us is equal, not succumb to tawdry stereotypes or allow the insidious hand of unconscious bias to seep deep into our souls.”

Social scientists say crises like COVID-19 and the murder of George Floyd are “focusing events,” events that recalibrates public policy and cultural norms. It often takes a crisis or tragedy to get society to wake up, look in the mirror, face up to uncomfortable truths and find a better way forward.

We require new and innovative thinking and actions in America to solve deep rooted societal problems of systematic racism and economic inequality, to repair the economic devastation caused by the pandemic and to heal and bring spiritual peace (free of the burdens of uncertainty, fear and anxiety) to the country and the world.  

“It would be tragic if the narrative that the general public remembers is property damage and violent acts instead of focusing on the real issues at hand, namely justice, equality and ending systemic discrimination,” Saligram wrote. “We cannot revert to the old normal of ‘Us versus Them’ and perpetuate senseless killings of people of color.”

