Making Zoom Meetings Meaningful

First moments matter anytime we come together, especially virtually.

Instead of asking everyone ‘how they’re doing”, instead ask a question that taps quickly into something that’s meaningful to people and conveys “I am genuinely interested, and I genuinely care.”

Favorite questions — suggest asking something like:

  • “What did you do this week that you loved?”
  • “Tell me a highlight of your day” or
  • “What’s gone well for you today?”
  • Positive emotion opens up more possibilities for exploring some of the negative or the vulnerable pieces later on.
  • One example of this in a Zoom meeting started with having people go around the table and tell one story of a silver lining that happened this week. It was a wonderful invitation to share in a group where the people didn’t know each other.
  • Talking about silver linings acknowledges that something negative has happened, but it also touches on the positive that you’ve made of it or that you’ve understood something positive coming out of it.
