Mindset and Financial Freedom

Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of and the filter through which you see the world and yourself. It is composed of your beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and perceptions that inform your thoughts, habits and decisions. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. It means that what you believe about yourself impacts your success or failure.

Mindset encompasses both your conscious and unconscious thoughts as well as how you view yourself. Your mindset determines how you spend your time, who you spend your time with, what decisions you make, and where you invest your resources (time, talent and treasure). “The most important opinion you have is the one you have of yourself, and the most significant things you say all day are those things you say to yourself, “ argues author and self-help guru Zig Ziglar.

Choosing not to spend money on goods or services you ‘want’ when you have the financial means to do so is a transformative change in mindset.

A positive financial mindset sets you on a path towards greater aspirations, such as achieving financial freed or retiring early. By prioritizing your financial health through savings over frivolous spending, the opportunities available to you become limitless.

