Secrets of Money

  1. Invest in and pappreciating assets. Avoid purchasing liabilities.
  2. Avoid conspicuous consumption. No one ever spent their way to financial freedom.
  3. Apply leverage to build wealth.
  4. Detach yourself from things and liabilities you don’t need. Liabilities are the reason you work so hard.
  5. Identify common money pitfalls. Soceity is designed to make you a consumer and for you to trade time for money.
  6. Know where all your money is going. Pay yourself first by saving and investing.
  7. Automate your finances and investments.  Create a financial and wealth building plan.
  8. Be courageous and take risks. Wealth comes from doing what other people won’t. Make financial freedom you too goal.
  9. Increase your income and develop multiple streams.
  10. Be disciplined and develop good wealth building habits.

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