Owning a Successful Business Is the Single Best Way to Accumulate Wealth

Successful investing for the long term and accumulating wealth are about owning a portion of a successful business. It is the single best way to accumulate wealth.

It is extremely difficult for individuals to accumulate wealth by earning income and slugging their way through a 9 to 5 job. It’s very hard to get truly wealthy by renting out your time. Bottomline…you can only work so many hours. 

Even high earners like corporate executives, doctors and lawyers don’t typically earn millions of dollars a year. Instead, the path to amassing vast fortunes is paved by owning assets like stocks of a successful business and allowing the assets to to appreciate in value and work for you.

The single greatest wealth-building secret on the planet and the path to amassing vast fortunes is paved by owning a successful business through investing for the long term in stocks. Controlling vast sums of stock market wealth is a common thread among the world’s wealthy.

That doesn’t mean you have to create and build the next Tesla, Amazon or Walmart. You can “piggyback” on billionaire CEOs like Bezos by buying shares of their companies on the stock market.  This is the playbook many wealthy folks follow.

Recent data from investment bank Goldman Sachs shows the wealthiest 1% of US households own more than half the stocks in America. At the end of 2019, they controlled $21 trillion in stock market wealth.

Over long term, ownership of companies through stocks have outperformed bonds and most other asset classes. This makes sense when you think about it. Stocks are riskier than bonds, so you expect to earn a higher return on capital. 

When you save for the future by paying yourself first and invest for the long term your capital in a successful business, you accumulate assets that earn money while you sleep. For example, by owning Amazon shares, every time the stock soars, your net worth increases.

When Amazon crushes earnings, you win, too. Think of it as a second income that often brings in more than your main job.


  1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stephenmcbride1/2020/08/19/why-owning-stocks-is-the-single-best-way-to-get-rich/#6ede923248ec