The Greatest Wealth is Health

“The greatest wealth is health.”

Your physical and mental well-being are arguably the most valuable assets of all.

What Does “Health Is Wealth” Mean?

At its core, “health is wealth” means that your physical and mental well-being is far more important than wealth in the realm of life satisfaction and happiness.

It’s saying, “Yes, money is a great tool. It can solve many basic problems and lead to a fantastic quality of life. But in the absence of good health, it means very little.”

In other words, don’t pursue wealth to the detriment of well-being!

After all, you can’t enjoy the financial fruits of your labor if you’re in constant pain, unable to move, struggling to breathe, going to the hospital every few months, or worrying about your health…or dead.

Only if you’re well can you take full advantage of your wealth. What’s more, staying healthy is also crucial to reaching your full financial potential.

The Financial Importance of Physical and Mental Health

“Health is wealth” reminds us that these two vital components of a happy life are interconnected. Indeed, numerous studies have shown that higher socioeconomic status usually leads to improved health prospects. But the opposite is also true. If your health suffers, then so do your finances. Here’s how:

Being Sick Is Expensive – It doesn’t matter whether you’re suffering from a broken leg or a bad bout of depression. Being sick has costs attached.

For example, you might not be able to work, and you only have so many paid sick days to take (unless you’re self-employed, in which case you might not have any). You may even have to quit your job. Either way, your income suffers, which can lead to a host of additional money problems. You might be unable to save, for instance, and/or forced to take on high-interest debt to cover your outgoings.

Mental illness has close links with financial difficulties, as well. You may have no energy or feel too anxious to work. Or perhaps you enter a manic episode and start making unwise purchases. Whatever the case, debt can follow. Indeed, National Debtline reports that 50% of adults with debt also have mental health problems.

Oh, and what if you die from a preventable illness? All those years of stress and hard work to ascend the corporate ladder, earn a high salary and squirrel away a sizable retirement nest egg could be for nothing.

Being Healthy Is Lucrative – Put yourself in an employer’s shoes. At a job interview, one candidate is smiling, full of energy, and has a CV full of relevant experience. A second candidate seems pale, lethargic, and weary. And the third didn’t come because they had the flu.

You’d hire #1, right? It’d be the same if you were choosing someone to get a raise or promotion. And that’s just one example of how being fit and healthy can benefit someone financially. You need energy to work hard, be proactive, contribute to a team, and show up how you need to – qualities often rewarded with higher pay.

And let’s not forget that being healthy almost always means you live longer. As a result, you can (among other things):

  • Earn a salary for longer before retiring
  • Reap the benefits of employment for longer
  • Have more opportunities to climb the career ladder
  • Have longer for the value of your investments to compound


Health Benefits of Cinnamon Spice

Cinnamon has many healthy benefits. Cinnamon is derived from the inner bark of Cinnamomum trees, and is high in cinnamaldehyde, a potent polyphenol antioxidant which has anti-inflammatory effects, reduces risk of heart disease, cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure.

There are wo main types: Ceylon cinnamon (also known as “true” cinnamon) and Cassia cinnamon (more common).

Cinnamon also increases sensitivity to the hormone insulin, having a potent anti-diabetic effect. This spice also makes improvements in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and it may have protective effects against cancer.

Cinnamon contains powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols.

Cinnamon is loaded with highly potent polyphenol antioxidants. These antioxidants protect against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. One study found that cinnamon supplementation increased antioxidant levels in the blood and reduced inflammation markers.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Cinnamon’s antioxidants have anti-inflammatory effects. Cinnamon’s anti-inflammatory effects contribute to its health benefits and chronic inflammation can be harmful to the body.

Other Benefits:

Modern studies suggest that cinnamon may have antitumor, analgesic, cardiovascular protective, neuroprotective, and immune system-boosting effects. While more evidence is needed, cinnamon shows promise in protecting against cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Remember to incorporate cinnamon into your diet through recipes or as a spice to enjoy its potential health benefits!


Secrets of Money

  1. Invest in and pappreciating assets. Avoid purchasing liabilities.
  2. Avoid conspicuous consumption. No one ever spent their way to financial freedom.
  3. Apply leverage to build wealth.
  4. Detach yourself from things and liabilities you don’t need. Liabilities are the reason you work so hard.
  5. Identify common money pitfalls. Soceity is designed to make you a consumer and for you to trade time for money.
  6. Know where all your money is going. Pay yourself first by saving and investing.
  7. Automate your finances and investments.  Create a financial and wealth building plan.
  8. Be courageous and take risks. Wealth comes from doing what other people won’t. Make financial freedom you too goal.
  9. Increase your income and develop multiple streams.
  10. Be disciplined and develop good wealth building habits.

Happiness is a Choice and Comes from Within

Don’t rely on others or external factors to validate your worth or existence.

True happiness is a choice and comes from within, not from external validation. Seeking validation from others to affirm your existence undermines your own sense of self-worth and resilience.

Embrace the joy of self-discovery and fulfillment without relying on others’ approval. Cultivate inner contentment by choosing happiness, pursuing passions and embracing personal growth.

Remember, your worth isn’t determined by others’ opinions, it stems from your own mindset, self-love and acceptance.

Gratitude is a Superpower and the foundation of all great success.  Appreciate and be thankful for what you already have!

One Step Forward

Every step forward, no matter how small or challenging, brings you closer to your goals. It’s like climbing a mountain or running a marathon —one step at a time, and eventually, you’ll reach the summit or the finish line. 

Remember, progress isn’t always linear. Sometimes it’s a zigzag, but as long as you keep moving, you’re making strides.

So keep going, even if it’s just a tiny step today. You’re already ahead of those who haven’t started or decided not to try!

Know Thyself

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle spoke about  the importance of self-knowledge and self-understanding as the foundation for wisdom and good judgment.

Some key points about this quote:

– Self-knowledge is the starting point for wisdom. When you understand yourself – your strengths, weaknesses, biases, motivations, etc. – you are better equipped to make sound decisions and live a fulfilling life.

– Wisdom involves the ability to apply knowledge and make good judgments, especially in complex or ambiguous situations. Self-awareness is crucial for developing this practical wisdom.

– By looking inward and cultivating self-understanding, you lay the foundation for becoming wiser and making a positive impact on the world.

The transformative power of self-knowledge is the basis for living a life of greater clarity, purpose, and wisdom.

Gratitude is a Superpower and the foundation of all great success!

Carried Interest Lower Tax Rate

Carried interest is a share of profits from a private equity, venture capital, or hedge fund paid as incentive compensation to the fund’s general partner.

Carried interest typically is only paid if a fund achieves a specified minimum return.

In most cases, carried interest is considered a return on investment and taxed as a capital gain rather than ordinary income, usually at a lower rate.

Because carried interest is typically distributed after a period of years, it defers taxes in the manner of an unrealized capital gains.

Carried interest on investments held longer than three years is subject to a long-term capital gains tax with a top rate of 20%, compared with the 37% top rate on ordinary income.

Critics argue taxing carried interest as long-term capital gains allows some of the richest Americans to unfairly defer and lower taxes on the bulk of their income.

Defenders of the status quo contend the tax code’s treatment of carried interest is comparable to its handling of “sweat equity” business investments.


Take Responsibility and Own Your Story

Oner thing you must learn, understand and accept:

You can either keep making excuses for why your life isn’t perfect, or you can admit it’s not perfect and still try to make it better.

You can focus on what youcan change and stop worrying about what you can’t. Life keeps moving forward.

Take it upon yourself to be happy and build wealth. Stop worrying about distractions and what other people think.

Other peopl only know your name, not your story. People will always have different opinion about you. And that’s okay. What matters is how you see yourself as a person. No on can tell your story better than you.

Gratitude is a Superpower and the foundation of all success.