Paying Yourself First

“Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.”

Warren Buffett

Automated saving and paying yourself first are probably the top two things Americans can do to create wealth and financial security.

Too many people try to save in a way that’s exactly backward. They spend first and then attempt to save up toward the end of the year.

The far more powerful way to save and invest is to set aside a percentage of your income every pay period — recommended 15%, 20% or more — and to save and invest it automatically.

Inevitably rich

Most of the folks who have accumulated wealth got there by systematically socking away a reasonable percentage of their pay into a broad array of stocks and keep doing it for decades.

The key take-aways are to make your savings an automatic deposit so you don’t get a chance to change your mind and spend it. And, spend what’s left and you’re certain to be on the right path to build wealth for tomorrow. Additionally, don’t forget to invest it!

By saving first, you eliminate the problem of not having enough money to save at the end of the month. Setting up automatic deposit into savings or brokerage accounts, you can secure your financial future and build wealth.

