Pentagon Unable to Pass Financial Audit

The Pentagon has never fully passed an audit since it began undergoing them in 2018.

[Above is an exchange between Jon Stewart and Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks on the defense budget]

Each year, the Department of Defense (DoD) has received a disclaimer of opinion, meaning the auditors couldn’t obtain enough information to form an accurate opinion on the DoD’s financial records.

According to The Hill, “the Pentagon has improved from less than 7 percent to more than 82 percent of its funding being free of material weaknesses since 2021.”

Agencies that earned a clean audit include the Defense Commissary Agency, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Defense Finance and Accounting Service and Defense Health Agency.

The Defense Information Systems Agency, Military Retirement Fund, National Reconnaissance Office, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Civil Works and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency also achieved a clean audit.


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