PulteGroup Built to Honor™

PulteGroup is saying THANK YOU to military veterans by doing what they do best

PulteGroup Built to Honor™

Since 2001, more than two million soldiers have valiantly served our country in Iraq and Afghanistan. More than 6,500 have made the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedom, while many more have suffered the serious wounds of war. And often when these heroes return home, their fight is not over. Instead, many continue to face unbearable challenges related to their injuries, as well as joblessness and homelessness.

All of us at PulteGroup are forever grateful to our nation’s veterans for their commitment to defending our country and the freedoms we hold so dear. And we wanted to say thank you by doing what we do best. In living our promise to “make lives better,” the PulteGroup Built to Honor™ program provides mortgage-free homes to deserving wounded veterans across the country.

Launched in 2013, PulteGroup operations across the nation have banded together with our dedicated and generous suppliers and contractors to support this effort, having built more than 50 new homes worth upwards of $17 million for deserving wounded veterans. From Michigan to Texas and Washington D.C. to California, our hope is that together we can make a difference assisting our veterans and their families as they rebuild their lives here at home.
