Six Selling Tips to Sell Anything to Anyone:

Once you achieve success selling, “You recognize opportunities everywhere because you believe in yourself.” ~ Fredrik Eklund, author of The Sell

Knowing how to sell a product or service is an important skill. Learning more about how to sell regardless of the customer can help you improve your skills and develop strategies for success.

In this article, here are six tips for how to sell anything to anyone.

First, it’s essential that you research your customer.  It’s important to know who you’re selling to because it helps you communicate effectively to your them, which can then lead to more sales.

Learning more about the customer’s needs, wants, lifestyle, motivations and perspective. From there, you can adapt your sales pitch accordingly. For example, if you know that a customer is interested in convenience, you can focus on the aspects of a product that make it easy to use.

1. Don’t just sell products and services. Sell results and solutions.

Don’t talk about what your product can do. Take time to list the benefits of your products and services and how they might improve your customers’ lives. Talk about what the product can do for your customers.

You don’t sell a camera by saying it can shoot video at 25,600 ISO. You sell it by telling people it can shoot video in the moonlight.

2. Get into your customer’s world.

Talk about what they care about…their problems, fears, and desires. Then start discussing ways they can solve them with your product or service. They’re likely to give an immediate “Yes!”

3. We are emotional creatures, not logical.

Sell towards emotions and feelings. For instance, if you want to sell a family business, you can discuss your family’s problems and explain how you feel about their situation.

Additionally, selling yourself is important because it helps you communicate your own value and can create a personal connection. When customers can envision your value, they may be more likely to trust you and feel comfortable enough to buy from you.

4. Be Specific.

Don’t say, “Lose weight fast.” Instead, say: “Lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks without diet and exercise!”

5. Take advantage of FOMO (fear of missing out)

Set a hard deadline when the sale ends and create a sense of urgency.

– Show social proof
– Use countdown timers
– Highlight limited availability
– Use language that creates urgency

6. Don’t make it boring.

Be entertaining, exciting and exotic. Don’t sound like a generic company. Put jokes in your text. Be different.


  • People want to do business with someone they like.
  • Selling is nothing more than playing up the good and playing down the bad.
  • Every successful person knows how to fail well.
  • Everybody wants what everybody wants.

