Socialism Failure

In the real world, socialism harms and weakens the economies and opportunities of countries that have implemented it. And, declining economies inevitably hurt the citizens in them. Socialism destroys incentive, opportunity, freedom. Historically, socialism has harmed the people it claims to help the most.

Socialism, historically, has been a disproven economic theory which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be controlled, owned or regulated by the government. Socialism is, in theory, based on equality, which in itself is a false-hood. In fact, no-one in a society is truly equal and there will always be “haves and have nots” and unequal distribution of wealth, even in supposedly socialist countries.

In theory under socialism, workers and the poor are no longer exploited because they own the means of production. Profits are spread equitably among all citizens according to their individual contribution. But the cooperative system also provides for those who can’t work. It meets their basic needs for the good of the whole society.

In theory, a Socialist system should eliminate poverty. It provides equal access to health care and education. No one is discriminated against.  Everyone works at what one is best at and what one enjoys. If society needs jobs to be done that no one wants, it offers higher compensation to make it worthwhile

Some people, in a society, can do jobs others physically can’t, and vice versa. That is why socialism, “which its goal is to have collective living and working arrangements, equal distribution of wealth, and equality of power”, doesn’t work. It kills the economy, creates governmental dependency, and lowers the quality of living.

A growing number of Democrats and their constituents are beginning to embrace Socialism since they view capitalism as unjust and unfair. They cite the growing unequal distribution of assets and concentration of wealth in the hands of a few individuals. Many Americans apparently do not believe that they have a path to success and prosperity in the current business cycle, and they’re angry with capitalism and the wealthy. And, that anger is being fanned by candidates leading the charge to vilify the wealthy and punish them through more progressive tax policies, including the implementation of a wealth tax.

Many American adults, both the young disenchanted and the older disenfranchised adults, believe that capitalism is failing and not lifting the economic boats of a majority of its citizens. They believe that it is only benefiting the wealthiest Americans. Theses young and old American adults are beginning to listen to socialist leaning politicians and embrace the philosophy and beliefs of socialism.

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”.— Winston Churchill

Americans only have to look in its own Western Hemisphere backyard to witness firsthand the failures of socialism. The failed economies of Cuba and Venezuela stand as glaring examples of socialism failures. In both countries, socialism proved once again that its core is the “…inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”. They stand as reminders just like the economies of the former Soviet Union and East Germany, and the pre-capitalist economy of People’s Republic of China of last century.

Winston Churchill said: “No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”

Capitalism is a lot like democracy, it’s the worst form of economic system except all those other economic systems that have been tried from time to time, according to John Hope Bryant on CNBC Morning Squawk.

“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” -Winston Churchill

Former Prime Minister Churchill further stated that “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” In socialist countries, government officials exercise control of the means of productions and take ownership or embezzled most of their society’s wealth. 

In 2019 America, the country must find someway for all Americans, not just the wealthy and political elite, to share in the nation’s prosperity brought about by capitalist economy.
