Life Insurance

If something were to happen to you today, is your family protected? 

Life insurance is a relatively low cost way to ensure that your family will have financial security if you or the primary earner should die prematurely. Furthermore, life insurance is often necessary financially because it provides peace of mind—not just for you, but for your whole family.

Conventional wisdom dictates that you don’t need life insurance if no one else depends on your income. While mostly true, there are many reasons why you should obtain life insurance if no one depends on your income.

  • Insurability and low premiums. Buying a policy both locks in lower premiums and guarantees insurability later in life. An existing insurance policy guarantees the ability to purchase additional insurance with no medical underwriting or physical exams. 
  • Cash Value Growth. Whole Life insurance policy provides attractive cash value growth. Access this cash value at any time using a policy loan. Or, if you cancel the policy, you get a return of all or a majority of the premiums paid, or the cash value – whichever is greater.
  • Funeral and burial expenses. From a practical perspective, in addition to the emotional devastation, parents also face significant expenses in the event of a child’s death. According to the Natural Funeral Directors Association, the median cost of a funeral with burial exceeds $7,000. Purchasing insurance for children alleviates the significant financial burden for a family coping with a tragic loss. 

Not only do rising prices make life increasingly expensive, but, as life’s circumstances change – you marry, buy a house, have children, and perhaps need to care for others – you have greater responsibilities and a need for better financial protection.

Key Takeaways

There are several excellent reasons to obtain insurance coverage for you and your family.

  • You can lock in low premiums while they are young and healthy.
  • You can lock in eligibility for other services while they have an active policy.
  • Permanent insurance provides a store of cash value that safely grows at a high crediting rate, which can be used to help fund future expenses like college tuition.
  • In the event of loss, a policy can cover the ever growing expenses of funerals and burials and protect your savings.

