Corporations: Value Based and Purpose Driven

“Doing good is good for business”

According to one corporate Chief Marketing Officer who spoke at CES 2020, sixty-three percent (63%) of global consumers purchase items from companies with purpose. Said another way, a majority of global consumers, either consciously or unconsciously, purchased goods and services from companies whose overriding purpose and values were to make the world better. Purpose must be more altruistic than just increasing shareholders returns through capital gains and growing revenue, cash flow, earnings and dividends.

Marc Benioff, founder and Co-CEO of, strongly advocated that corporations, especially big technology companies, must be a force for good and that brands can play a major role in doing good. He conveyed the message during a C-Suite session this month at CES 2020 that businesses can be mutually financially successful, sustainable and philanthropic business. He stated the point that a business can and should successfully serve the interests of all stakeholders, which includes the planet. In his opinion, every corporate CEO should adopt a public school, public hospital or combat homelessness in the community they operate. In short, all stakeholders have to matter; and, the planet and local community are key stakeholders.

“Don’t read people’s lips; Watch their feet.”

Marc’s company,, from its beginning is 1999, has made trust its major value and serving all stakeholders’ interests which include giving back to its community a core purpose. Putting action to their words, the company has directed one percent (1%) of corporate resources which is over $300 million (profits, equity, and time) into giving back to the community. He went as far as proposing a corporate tax to battle homelessness. As a result, has been regularly ranked as one of the best places to work in America and has had a 4,000 percent return on investment (ROI) for their shareholders.

“Businesses are the greatest platform for change.”

In his opinion and how he designed, businesses are the greatest platform for change and people are basically good; his intent when he left Oracle to start was to create a company culture based on trust and optimized to enable employees to do good. He felt that “…purpose is defined by the company; it cannot be enforced”.

Stakeholder Capitalism

Stakeholder capitalism, Marc Benioff opined, is a more fair, a more just and a more equitable form of capitalism than its predecessor. It means paying men and women the same. It’s means embracing values of trust, truth and doing the right thing over time. He often asks technology companies’ CEO’s and boards what are their priorities, what are their highest values, and what is truly important to them. Since in his view, making money is easy; doing the right thing takes effort and dedication.

But, leadership is about who you are and what you do. CEO’s of major technology companies must look at their values and purpose. They must assess whether they’re using these influential platforms to make the world better or just to make money. Despite the recent negative news surrounding big technology companies like Facebook on issues of privacy and impacting the U.S. Presidential elections, Marc stated that they can do both…make the world better for all stakeholders and make money for shareholders.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 101

“What all of us have to do is to make sure we are using AI in a way that is for the benefit of humanity, not to the detriment of humanity.” –Tim Cook

AI refers to computing hardware being able to essentially think for itself, and make decisions based on the data it is being fed. AI systems are often hugely complex and powerful, with the ability to process unfathomable depths of information in an extremely quick time in order to come to an effective conclusion.

AI infrastructure and machine learning (ML) can process instantaneously vast amounts of data. Thanks to detailed algorithms, AI systems are now able to perform mammoth computing tasks much faster and more efficiently than human minds. It is leading to big strides in the areas of research and development.

AI is being used to transform many areas of everyday life, from healthcare to traffic problems.Narrow Artificial Intelligence (AI) is what we see all around us in computers today.

These intelligent systems such as self-driving vehicles, smart speakers or virtual assistance have been taught or learned how to carry out specific tasks without being explicitly programmed how to do so. Systems programmed with narrow AI can only learn or be taught how to do specific tasks.

General Artificial Intelligence is very different, and is the type of adaptable intellect found in humans, a flexible form of intelligence capable of learning how to carry out vastly different tasks or to reason about a wide variety of topics based on its accumulated experience. This is the sort of AI more commonly seen in movies, but which doesn’t exist today.

Machine learning is where a computer system is fed large amounts of data, which it then uses to learn how to carry out a specific task, such as understanding speech or captioning a photograph. One of the most visible manifestations of AI can be observed with the rise of virtual assistants.

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G will be game changers. 5G networks are the next generation of mobile wireless connectivity, offering faster speeds and more reliable connections on smartphones and other intelligent devices. While AI works by combining large amounts of data with fast, iterative processing and intelligent algorithms, allowing the software to learn automatically from patterns or features in the data. Together, the technologies will usher in autonomous systems and potentially solve many of societal problems.

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Most of today’s AI examples rely on deep learning and natural language processing. Using these technologies, computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data.

CES 2020 Concept Vehicles


This gallery contains 10 photos.

Concept, self driving and electric vehicles at #CES2020 in Las Vegas Above, Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR (ADVANCED VEHICLE TRANSFORMATION) is a groundbreaking concept vehicle developed in close collaboration with the AVATAR team. This concept vehicle embodies the vision of Mercedes-Benz designers, … Continue reading

CES 2020 | Las Vegas

Updated: January 15, 2020′ 1:35 PM

Friday, January 10, 2020 | 2020 Consumer Electronic Show ( #CES ) in Las Vegas. ( #CES2020 )

#CES brought together manufacturers, retailers, media and market leaders from across the globe. It offers outstanding network opportunities for the 170K plus attendees, and it showcased the future of consumer technologies and innovation. Furthermore, CES has evolved from a show about consumer electronics to a “showcase of technology and innovation” that influences every aspect of people’s lives.

Below are a few lessons learned and observations over four days attending #CES2020 in Las Vegas from January 7 – 10, 2020:

• Lyft deployed 100 robo taxis to operate during #CES2020 on the congested streets of Las Vegas using Qualcomm technology to safely navigate the street and deliver passengers to their destination. The taxis can be scheduled using the Lyft app after accepting an user’s agreement. As per the user’s agreement, there are non-robots safety observers riding along in the robo-taxis with passengers.

• Hyundai and other manufacturers unveiled flying air passenger vehicle concepts at #CES2020. Hyundai’s displayed a Uber air taxi tilt rotor concept capable of carrying four passengers plus pilot with top cruise speed of 150 mph and max speed of 180 mph. The Hyundai PAV “S-A1” is expected to be operational as early as 2030. #CES2020hyundaisa1

• 5G is the next generation of wireless network technology. It is projected to have greater bandwidth capacity, significantly faster mobile data speeds (to around 1Gbps according to Qualcomm’s CEO) and lower latency. It is expected to usher in intelligence cities and to allow vehicle-to-vehicle communications which is critical to self-driving cars. While 3G and 4G technology brought increased speeds and higher capacity to the wireless network, one CES2020 speaker described 5G as an use case technology; that it will enhance everything we do. 5G is expected to deliver faster download speeds, real-time responses, and enhanced connectivity permitting improved mobile streaming and and gaming experiences.

• IBM Watson in partnership with ESPN Fantasy Football have an initiative leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to project player performance weekly for fantasy football. The initiative has been operational for three years and the results according to the IBM rep had been positive.  Watson AI is able to consume and analyze tens of thousands of documents, including news articles, blog posts, videos and podcasts every week during the football season. This analysis yield insight that’s presented to users through the ESPN Fantasy Football app and website. It projects how likely a given player, such as Seahawk’s QB Russell Wilson, would score on the high or low end of their ESPN-predicted points range. Watson provided to users the probability of a player scoring more than their projected point total (“boom”) or less than their projected point total (“bust”).

• Diversity, inclusion and belonging for women and people of color in the technology industry have been thoroughly discussed during this year’s conference and previous conferences. Although the topic has been a point of discussion for more than two decades, corporate executives continue to site the perennial excuses of unconscious bias and lack of diverse talent in the pipeline for reasons the problem continues to persist. Submit that the more likely actual reasons are that executives are not being held accountable and there is little dedicated effort on the part of boards and executives to solve the problem.

• American Express sponsored a lounge during  #CES2020 located in the North Hall of LVCC.  The lounge offered #AMEX Business card holders a place to relax, recharge mobile phones, obtain a hot cup of coffee and enjoy a reprieve from the hectic pace of #CES.  Overall, the lounge proved quite popular with show attendees and lines continuously queued at the entrance to take advantage of the many amenities offered by the hosts.

Global video gaming and esports are booming and their presence at #CES2020 reflected their meteoric rise in popularity. In the LVCC Central Hall, several dozen original equipment manufacturers of gaming systems and periphery equipment were on display. The periphery equipment ranged from items that would enhanced the gaming experience to the weird / unnecessary items that hope to attract the gullible few. Gaming appears to be in the gold rush fever stage phase of its growth. One gaming expert commented during a session that video gaming and esports tournaments have awarded more than $500 million in prize money.

• Delta Airlines made a spectacular first-time appearance at #CES2020 showing off its technology to improve the passenger’s flying experience. The company revealed it app that will queue passengers for boarding, provide real time tracking of baggage and update fliers on traffic conditions on their route to the airport using information provided by their partnership with Lyft. Additionally, Delta displayed a robotic exoskeleton that their employees would don to aid in lifting heavy equipment and in baggage handling.

• The proverbial ‘elephant in the room’ omitted during #CES2020 was related to the technology sins of intellectual property (IP) theft, forced technology transfers and hacking by China. We can only assume that the technology sins have had a negative impact on domestic and non-Chinese foreign companies exhibiting at the the Show. Cognizant of the consequences the NBA and its players experienced in 2019 for commenting on Chinese bad behavior, it is somewhat understandable why (CES desires to maintain its favorable relationship with China) serious discussions regarding Chinese technology sins have been omitted during #CES2020.

• It appeared that every television original equipment manufacturer brand (Samsung, LG, Sony, TCL, Sharp, Haier, Hisense, etc.) unveiled an 8K television during #CES2020. The 8K televisions displayed impressive resolution, amazing picture quality and definition. The displays were simply astonishing. And, most unveiled an 128-inch display that made observers feel integrated or actually present with the virtual image. As a result of advent of 8K, 4K HD television costs to consumers have fallen dramatically.

CES 2020 | Las Vegas

Thursday, January 9, 2020 | 2020 Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas. ( #CES2020 )

Today, I wandered through the Amazon display located in the Venetian Hotel and must say I was astonished by the numerous Alexa powered IoT devices on display. Now, Alexa powers smart bathroom mirrors, kitchen refrigerators and family room televisions, to name a few.

Amazon also featured the relatively small Echo Flex. Echo Flex has all the functionality of Amazon’s Echo Dot, but half the size and can plug directly into a hallway or utility room wall electric outlet. The rep stated that the Flex is great for areas without horizontal surfaces such as hallways.

After a brief stop at the Amazon display, I visited the Dell Experience also located in the Venetian Hotel. There, I learned about the Dell work at home products and the gaming products they offered on the market. Additionally, Dell offered an opened bar that help take the dye off a full day at CES 2020.

American Express Lounge

American Express has annually sponsored a lounge during CES in the North Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center. During #CES 2020, the lounge was intended for American Express Business Card clients and their guest. It was a place to relax and disconnect from the hectic pace of CES. The lounge offers a very popular and high demand venue for WiFi, refreshments and snacks, everything someone might need to unwind.

5G Network

5G technology is slowly reaching the consumer market with promises of revolutionizing our daily lives. New and innovative technology such as autonomous automobiles and drones will rely on the capabilities offered by 5G technology.

There are three attributes of 5G millimeter wave technology provides: speed, capacity and latency.

One engineer explained that if 4G was a two lane road; 5G would be an eight smart superhighway. The speed of 5G will be more than tenfold faster than the current network. The capacity to carry data would also significantly improve. Also, there would be relatively zero latency with 5G network.

Yet, for all the fanfare behind 5G, the network remains just a concept and vision of the future. The reality once deployed may be far different.

CES 2020 | Las Vegas

Wednesday, January 8, 2020 | 2020 Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas. ( #CES2020 )

Spent the morning hearing about Quibi, the new short form video platform designed to operate only on mobile devices. Quibi is short for quick bites.

Quibi plans to create quality and compelling video content to be viewed on the go. The company’s technology will feature content that can be viewed either in landscape or portrait orientation on a user’s mobile device. While in landscape, the picture will show wide screen video image. In portrait, the view narrows allowing viewer to see the content from an alternate perspective that’s optimized for portrait.

Meg Whitman

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has garnered significant attention and discussion during CES 2020. The prevailing premise regarding CSR is that it has become a must do mission by corporations. Even major corporations are embracing the call for action.

The Look‘ is a short video created by P&G, which is intended to shine light on unconscious bias prevalent in American society. It conveyed a powerful message about a problem the culture that unfortunately persist in America.

Yet, many tech companies from all appearances are only giving ‘lip service’ to diversity and inclusion of people of color.

In a session yesterday discussing corporate values and purpose, the moderator commented “don’t read people’s lips; watch their feet”. The words mouthed by corporate executives regarding CSG appear transformative, yet the associated actions for the most part by corporations have been lacking and plagued with excuses and lack of accountability.

Unconscious Bias in Technology

An unconscious bias that most senior managers and executives of color have witnessed first hand is the blatant inequality in the hiring process. A classic example is when a majority male candidate can be hired for a position without the prerequisite skills or experience under the assumption that they can learn the job and acquire the required skills and experience for the position.

In stark contrast, women and people of color must possess the prerequisite skills and experience for the prospective position in order to land on the final hiring slate. In short, this unconscious bias is a leadership problem and issue. Basically, organizations can come up with a million reasons why they’re not achieving diversity and inclusion.

One hope is that the seemly sincere CSG conversations occurring among corporate executives at CES 2020 will result in observable and measurable action on diversity and inclusion by CES 2021. And, ‘unconscious bias’ and ‘blaming the pipeline’ will no longer be excuses for lack of action and progress. Instead, corporate executives will accept that diversity and inclusion are deliberate choices and are ultimately good for their business’ bottomline.

CES 2020 | Las Vegas

Tuesday, January 7, 2020 | 2020 Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas. ( #CES2020 )

The #CES2020 day was kicked off by Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian and several dozen employees of Delta.Ed Bastian, CEO, Delta Airlines[/caption]

From the dark days following the 2001, 911 terrorist attacks, Delta has strived to become the best in Class for innovation and service.

During the keynote, Ed informed the assembled CES attendees that Delta interacts with 600K customers every 15 minutes. Additionally, Delta has worked to cancel cancellations and eliminated involuntary bumping.

Their objective is to reduce or eliminate the moments of stress flying to CES, especially if attendees flew on Delta.

During the address, he discussed the importance of the “Fly Delta app”. Delta’s intent is to evolve the app into a true digital flight concierge. When the app is fully enhanced, it will be able to track bags real-time.

Aspirational, Delta intends to alleviate the stress of travel and in the near future in the future provide a service to pick up bags from a passenger’s home and delivered them to their hotel.

Another Delta initiative is to provide virtual queueing that informs you when it time to board. It alleviates the necessity of passengers congregating an clogging in the gate boarding area.

Research shows people enter an elevated emotional state when traveling and flying. Delta’s goal is to effectively reduce the level of flying stress.

Two partnerships that Delta has pursued are with John Zimmer, co-founder of Lyft. They partnered with Delta since the future of travel will be multimodal…offer self-driving vehicle, bikes and scooters. Additionally, Wheels Up – democratizing private aircraft travel. Replace 1/3 of main line fleet in five years.


Snap shot, or initial, at launch, HBO Max will have double the content than currently available HBO Now and will continue to grow contest offerings. It is not a direct competitor with Disney or Netflix.

Measure of success will be 50M subscribers in five years. Non measurable metric is to create a streaming service that matters to global audience. Non ad supported viewership does not have a standardized measure. If you want to sale advertising, will need a standardization.


The one reality regarding CES 2020 is that you walk and you walk a lot . Today, for example, I walked over 8.8 miles in the exhibition halls and attending key nite addresses.. Also, I played spent a few minutes on a high tech self-powered treadmill.


Monday, January 6, 2020 | 2020 Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

Attended the early morning session entitled “CES 2020 Trends to Watch” in the North Hall of the convention center. The session was presented by Steve Koenig, VP, Research, Consumer Technology Association. During the session, Steve previewed trends in consumer technology, the next big things and disruptive innovations that will redefine consumer technology in 2020. Essentially, Steve attempted to answer the big question many attendees are asking “What’s happening in consumer tech?”

Steve talked about how a New IoT, a new Intelligence of Things, will dominate the consumer technology landscape, and will influence the culture during the upcoming decade.

Global 5G deployment in 2019.

It is forecast that 5G handsets shipments will reach 20.2m in 2020 and 133M by 2030. Furthermore, it will take time for 5G network to happen and be rolled out. As 5G propagates, it will be led by enterprise applications.

5G will provide ultra reliable, low latency connectivity.

5G of the future is expected to enable digital tools to solve problems, enhance efficiency and increase productivity over the next decade in areas such as in agriculture productivity. Essentially, according to Steve, a lot of the devices we attribute to science fiction will become reality during the next decade.

AI of Things will enhance user experience.

Intelligence of Things is enhancing the Home (Smart Home).

Over the past ten years, the conversation was about connected things or the Internet of Things. Over the next ten years, the discussion will be connected intelligence things. AI chips in 8K television and smart phone cameras and smart ovens. For example, you put a pizza in a smart oven, the oven recognizes the pizza and adjust the oven temperature and controls the cooking time instead the consumer .

AI in McDonald’s Drive Thru

Manning a drive-thru can be a stressful job. Adding AI to automate part of the task can improve productivity and the delivery of service to the customer.

Human – Machine partnership in which some portion of the task becomes automated to improve customer service. in the case of a fast food restaurant drive-thru, AI machine can take the order and payment; human fulfill the order and provide inter personal service.

Streaming Wars – Abundance of choice and competition

With companies such as Netflix’s and Roku dominating the video streaming, big media corporations, such as Disney, ComcastNBC and AT&T, are striking back by launching their on over the top video streaming services. It appears that big media wants to control relationship with consumer.

Overall, it appears tat the next decade will be dominated by 5G and AI.

Diversity and Inclusion Dividend

During the afternoon, I attended a session called “The Hidden Diversity Dividend”. The essence of the session was that after two decades of conversation about diversity and inclusion in the C-Suite and technology industry, the problem still persists. Over the two decades, progress has been slowed and measured in millimeters.

The excuses of unconscious bias and lack of dedicated effort by senior continue to prevail as major reasons for the lack progress regarding diversity and inclusion of women and people of color.

The panelists stressed that there is a playbook that has been proven to work to solve this problem. And, focus and systematic effort is necessary along with getting industry on board with the program. To end the problem permanently, industry executive leader must:

  • Become aware and share the good, bad and ugly regarding the lack of diversity and inclusive
  • Except that equality and inclusion are choices; unconscious bias is an excuse.
  • Understand that it is not about representation, it is about reflection. It takes hard work and consistently
  • Appreciate that it takes critical and systematic change, a Scorecards, Mentoring, and Holding people accountable

Bottomline, consumers must hold companies accountable for their lack of diversity and inclusion in the C-Suite and for perpetuating the good old boys network. Take telecommunications and media company AT&T for example, the projected successor to AT&T CEO Randal Stevenson is a non-diverse majority white male. No women or persons of color were apparently even considered for the top job at communications and media conglomerate.

To change and grow, companies and people must get comfortable with being uncomfortable And to create a more equitable, diverse and inclusive industry, organizations must be willing to change for the better.