COVID-19 Response: No one should face financial hardship | Consumer Reports

A letter from Consumer Reports:

The United States is still in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, but Consumer Reports is already seeing deep economic impacts as people stay home and businesses close. 

Congress is working on legislation right now to address this crisis, but together we have to make sure our government’s response puts people — not corporations — first. It’s critical that our leaders protect public health and keep Americans financially safe.

Help Consumer Reports in this effort by signing our petition to Congress and the White House: No one should face financial hardship due to the coronavirus emergency!

Consumer Reports is working with lawmakers right now to ensure that all coronavirus-related legislation includes our core principles of fairness, safety and transparency for consumers. As government works to address the urgent problems facing our healthcare system and our economy, it must also focus on people and the hardships they are experiencing. We are calling on Congress to: 

  • Protect consumers from fraudulent and deceptive products, scams, price gouging, and predatory and abusive practices related to the outbreak.
  • Prevent surprise medical bills, including for COVID-19 treatment. No one should be penalized for getting needed care.
  • Provide people undergoing financial hardship temporary waivers for rent, mortgage, car, student loan and other debt payments during the crisis (without extra fees or interest), and a manageable path back to repayment.
  • Prohibit utilities and internet providers from cutting off service or charging late fees until a period of time after the emergency ends.
  • Stop credit agencies from reporting negative information during the crisis so consumers’ credit scores aren’t impacted.

Sign Consumer Reports petition to make sure the government response ensures that everyone — businesses and individuals — are protected from financial hardship during this crisis.

Help Consumer Reports show Congress that consumers want legislation that protects the public health and keeps Americans financially safe. Please add your name, then forward this email and share the petition on your social networks so we have a strong show of support. 

Thank you!

Anna Laitin
Consumer Reports

Sign the petition: COVID-19 Response: No one should face financial hardship