U.S. Economy and Stock Markets are Highly Disconnected

“The stock market isn’t the economy. The economy is production and jobs, and there are shortfalls in virtually every sector of the economy.”  -Janet Yellen, former Chair of the Federal Reserve

We remain in the midst of a global crisis as the impact of COVID-19 infections continues to spread. As a result, we are experiencing an income crisis for a wide swath of the working population. The labor market decline was most catastrophic on low-end age earners. Those jobs have been the slowest to recover and many of those jobs have been loss permanently.

financial markets reflect assessments of the value of assets today based on investors’ expectations for the cash those assets will generate.

The U.S. economy is highly consumer-driven according to economists; our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) levels are guided primarily by consumer spending. The “V-shaped” recovery in retail sales data has been a boon to the bull market narrative. There is, however, legitimate concern over the potential impact if the Congress and Executive branch are unable to hammer out a compromise on extended unemployment benefits.

Causes of the disconnect

“Financial markets reflect assessments of the value of assets today based on investors’ expectations for the cash those assets will generate.” Vanguard Investments

Hope-ism and federal intervention are buoying up the stock market. “Hope-ism” is the wishful thinking that makes investors believe that the economy will not only recover quickly, it will snap back with vigor as the virus is quickly vanquished.

Federal intervention has been stratospheric over the past decade plus. Coming into the pandemic, the Fed had injected $5 trillion in Quantitative Easing (QE) from the 2008 recession. Now it has added another $3 trillion in the first round of COVID-19 relief and will likely add at least another $2 trillion, bringing the total to a whopping $10 trillion.

The two, the U.S. economy and equity stock markets, will reconnect again. Either the economy will recover, as the stock market predicts, or the stock market will reprice and crash. In the following we discuss the causes of the disconnect and what investors should be concerned about as the disconnect corrects.

Investors should expect a stock market correction. Greed will give way to fear. FOMO (fear of missing out) will become FOLO (fear of losing out). Also, there are plenty of other threats to the economy and stock market including a global debt crisis, cyber crime and terrorism, trade wars and socioeconomic unrest.


  1. https://www.marketwatch.com/articles/the-disturbing-reality-fueling-this-bull-market-51598004009?mod=mw_more_headlines
  2. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4368901-stock-market-will-reconnect-economy-what#:~:text=There%20are%20two%20reasons%20that%20the%20stock%20market,other%20way%20to%20reconnect%20is%20a%20market%20crash.
  3. https://www.barchart.com/story/options/146523/inside-volatility-trading-august-25-2020