Disruptive Innovation Equals Growth

Innovation is the key to growth.

In the late nineteenth century, three innovation technologies evolved at the same time and changed the way the world worked and its paradigm. Thanks to the introduction of the telephone, automobile, and electricity, the world’s productivity exploded as costs dropped, unleashing demand across the globe.

Today, the global economy is undergoing the largest technological transformation and displacement in history thanks to disruptive innovations.

ARK defines ‘‘disruptive innovation’’ as “the introduction of a technologically enabled product or service that changes an industry landscape by creating simplicity and accessibility while driving down costs.”

Innovation meets three criteria

“Over time, innovation should displace industry incumbents, increase efficiencies, and gain majority market share, offering growth opportunities for investors. More importantly, disruptive innovation impacts and concerns all of our lives and changes the way the world works.” Cathie Wood, Founder, CEO & CIO, ARK Investment Management LLC

According to ARK Investment Management, disruptive innovation will:

  • Experience significant cost declines and unleash waves of incremental demand. When a technology crosses certain cost or performance thresholds, its addressable market can widen and diversify dramatically.
  • Cut across sectors and geographies. A technology that cuts across industries and geographies can enjoy dramatic increases in addressable markets as applications are “discovered” by different business sectors. Spanning across sectors also provides better product-market fits, insulates against business cycle risk, and garners attention from multiple disciplines.
  • Serve as a platform atop which additional innovations can be built. A technology upon which other innovations can be built may expand its use-cases in ways that are almost impossible to imagine. As a result, innovation platforms may be underestimated over expansive time horizons because successful forecasts require anticipation of the scope of new products and services.

Today’s disruptive innovations include:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Blockchain and Cryptoassets
  • DNA Sequencing and Gene Editing
  • Fintech Innovation
  • Energy Storage and Battery Tech
  • Next Generation Internet

For example, artificial intelligence (AI)  learning systems will transform not only retail, media and telecom, as did the Internet, but all sectors in the economy, even those previously thought impervious to disruption, notably health care and financial services.

Invest in the future

Disruptive innovation displaces industry incumbents (like digital photography has erased Kodak and Fuji film companies), increase efficiencies, and gain majority market share.

The threat to existing businesses is grave. The long-term opportunities for companies participating in this change could relate to exponential growth.


  1. https://ark-invest.com/investment-process/
  2. https://research.ark-invest.com/hubfs/1_Download_Files_ARK-Invest/Marketing_Material/ARK-Invest-Thematic-Investment-Process.pdf?__hstc=13933160.99f789dd545191653572e5ece0571091.1584118328216.1587939706096.1587954906355.105&__hssc=13933160.8.1587954906355&__hsfp=101573855
  3. https://ark-invest.com/invest-in-innovation/