Qualified Dividends vs. Ordinary Dividends

The distinction between Qualified and non-Qualified dividends has to do with how you’re taxed on those dividends.

  • Qualified dividends are taxed at 15% for most taxpayers. (It’s zero for single taxpayers with incomes under $40,000 and 20% for single taxpayers with incomes over $441,451.)
  • Ordinary dividends (or “nonqualified dividends”) are taxed at your normal marginal tax rate.

The concept of qualified dividends began with the 2003 tax cuts. Previously, all dividends were taxed at the taxpayer’s normal marginal rate.

The lower qualified rate was designed to fix one of the great unintended consequences of the U.S. tax code. By taxing dividends at a higher rate, the IRS was incentivizing companies not to pay them. Instead, it incentivized them to do stock buybacks (which were untaxed) or simply hoard the cash.

By creating the lower qualified dividend tax rate that was equal to the long-term capital gains tax rate, the tax code instead incentivized companies to reward their long-term shareholders with higher dividends. It also incentivized investors to hold their stocks for longer to collect them.

Qualified Dividends

To be qualified, a dividend must be paid by a U.S. company or a foreign company that trades in the U.S. or has a tax treaty with the U.S. That part is simple enough to understand.

Importance of dividends

From 1871 through 2003, 97% of the total after-inflation accumulation from stocks came from reinvesting dividends. Only 3% came from capital gains.”

To put this into perspective, take a look at the example used by John Bogle, where he writes: “An investment of $10,000 in the S&P 500 Index at its 1926 inception with all dividends reinvested would by the end of September 2007 have grown to approximately $33,100,000 (10.4% compounded). If dividends had not been reinvested, the value of that investment would have been just over $1,200,000 (6.1% compounded)—an amazing gap of $32 million.” The reinvestment of dividends accounted for almost all of the stocks’ long-term total return.

Dividends are an important consideration when investing in the share market as they provide a reliable source of return while you wait.


  1. https://www.kiplinger.com/investing/stocks/dividend-stocks/601396/qualified-dividends-vs-ordinary-dividends

Grant Sabatier: The 7 Levels of Financial Freedom

“It’s important to view money not as something that allows you to buy things, but view it as a means of giving you more choices in how you want to live.”

Grant Sabatier, the author of “Financial Freedom”, views money not as something that allows you to buy things, but as a means of giving you more choices in how you want to live. “With every dollar you save, you give yourself more freedom and options in life,” he said. “Based on how much you have saved and invested, ask yourself, ‘How many months of freedom have you acquired?’”

Sabatier’s 7 levels of financial freedom

Level 1: Clarity

The first step is taking stock of your financial situation — how much money you have, how much you owe, and what your goals are. “You can’t get to where you want to go without knowing where you’re starting from,” Sabatier says.

Level 2: Self-Sufficiency

Next, you’ll want to be standing on your own two feet, financially speaking. This means earning enough to cover your expenses without any outside help, such as contributions from Mom and Dad.

At this level, Sabatier notes, you may be living paycheck-to-paycheck or taking on loans to make ends meet.

Level 3: Breathing room

People at Level 3 have money left over after living expenses that they can put toward goals such as building an emergency fund and investing for retirement.

Escaping Level 2 means giving yourself some financial leeway, which Sabatier notes doesn’t necessarily mean making a much bigger salary. Indeed, 31% of working Americans making over $100,000 live paycheck-to-paycheck, according to MagnifyMoney.

“Just because you make a lot of money doesn’t mean you’re actually saving that money,” Sabatier says. “Most people in this country live through debt.”

Level 4: Stability

Those who reach Level 4 have paid down high interest rate debt, such as credit card debt, and have stashed away six months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund. Building up emergency savings helps ensure that your finances won’t be thrown off track by unexpected circumstances.

“At this level, you’re not worried if you lose your job or if you have to move to a different city,” Sabatier says.

When calculating how much you’d need to have saved, thinking about what your financial picture might look like understand exigent circumstances, rather then your regular, everyday expenses, financial experts say.

“If you have a job loss, you’d make some changes. You’d probably cut your gym membership and get rid of your subscriptions, for instance,” Christine Benz, director of personal finance and retirement planning at Morningstar, told Grow. “Think about the bare minimum you’d need to get by.”

Level 5: Flexibility

People at Level 5 have at least two years’ worth of living expenses saved. With those kinds of savings, Sabatier suggests, you have the ability to think about your money terms of the time it can buy you: “You could take a year off from your job if you wanted to.”

You needn’t carry all of this money in cash, Sabatier notes: It could be a sum total from your savings and investment accounts. As long as you’re able to access that money somehow, if you need it, you have the flexibility to untether yourself, at least temporarily, from the workforce.

Level 6: Financial Independence

People who have achieved financial independence can live solely off the income generated from their investments, according to Sabatier’s framework.

“You generally have one of two things,” says Sabatier. “You either have a large pile of money in an investment portfolio that’s generating interest, or you have rental properties, and cashflow from the rent covers your living expenses, or a hybrid of the two.”

To get here, you’ll have to invest a high percentage of your income, which could require you to shift to a more modest lifestyle to drastically lower your cost of living. Pursuing this lifestyle requires a change in thinking away from the traditional paradigms of personal finance, Sabatier says.

“People are being taught to save 5%, 10%, 15% of their income, and maybe you’ll be able to retire when you’re 65,” he says. “Thankfully, more young people are starting to understand that if I aggressively save and invest, I can work less and have more control over my future and my destiny.”

Level 7: Abundant Wealth

Financially independent folks who live off their portfolio income rely on the “4% rule” — a retirement rule of thumb that posits that an investor can safely withdraw 4%, adjusted for inflation, from a balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds each year, and be relatively certain that the money will continue to grow and won’t run out.

Although economists debate whether 4% is the optimal number (some more conservative observers think the right figure might be closer to 3.3%), the calculation behind it serves as the basis for establishing a FIRE number — the amount of money you’d need to retire and earn an annual income you could comfortably live on.

While those in Level 6 need to monitor swings in their portfolio to make sure their retirement is still going according to plan, those in Level 7 have no such worries. “Level 7 is abundant wealth — having more money than you’ll ever need,” Sabatier says. “You don’t have to worry about money, and it’s not essential to your day-to-day existence.”


  1. https://grow.acorns.com/self-made-millionaire-grant-sabatier-levels-of-financial-freedom/
  2. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/10/the-7-levels-of-financial-freedom-according-to-a-millionaire-50percent-of-us-workers-are-at-level-2.html

Ten Critical Investing Lessons

Investing in assets is a great way to grow your money or to put your capital to work.

If there’s any lessons investors relearned in 2022, when investing in stocks, bonds, derivatives and real estate, it’s that the markets will be unpredictable, defy logic and offer unexpected surprises.

Sometimes investors can correctly anticipate what’s coming based on our past investing experience and macro economic information. Other times, investors are reminded no matter what they thought they knew, the market always knows better.

For these reasons, it’s important to remember you can always become a better, more patient and disciplined investor, whether you’re learning lessons the hard way, reminded of lessons you previously learned, but forgot, or learning from the good or bad experiences of others.

Here are 10 Critical investing lessons you wish you could teach your younger, novice self:

1) Personal finances first – Master and manage your personal finances first and foremost. Dealing with volatility is never easy, but it’s so much easier when your personal finances are rock-solid (no bad or debilitating debt, positive cash flow and net worth, emergency fund established). Know and strengthen your personal balance and cash flow statements. And, always have some cash on hand to take advantage of market dips and pullbacks.

2) Expect to be wrong often when investing – You’re going to be wrong when investing. You’re going to be wrong a lot. Your goal isn’t to bat 1.000 (that’s impossible). Your goal is to increase your odds of success. Even the best investors are wrong approximately 2 out of 5 times.

3) Sell slow – Don’t be in a rush to sell – It’s tempting to book a profit quickly or sell when you get scared. One investor sold MSFT at $24. Current price: $268. Selling a mega-winner early is the most expensive investing mistake you can or will make. And, don’t forget about taxes when you earn income or sell assets. Any income (or profit) you earn from selling assets is taxable. Before you sell any appreciated asset or take any income, make sure you have enough money for the taxes so that your gains will not be wiped out by taxes alone.

4) Watch the business – Watch the business, not the stock. The two are not linked at all in the short-term. But are 100% linked in the long-term. Always remember, you’re buying a piece of a business, do understand the business and how that business generates cash flow.

5) Buy quality – Capital is precious. Making money and putting money to work for you are hard. Saving it and growing it are harder. Buy the highest-quality investments you can find. Avoid everything else. When you focus on buying quality, opportunities can be found in any market whether it be up (bull) or down (bear). Thus, stick to your long-term plan of buying quality companies every month and forget about how everybody else is performing.

6) Add to winners, not losers – Add more capital to your winners, not your losers. “Winners” means the business is executing. “Losers” means the business isn’t. Add to the best companies you can find at better and better value points.

7) Patience above all – Your biggest edge and investing super power is patience. Don’t waste it. Compounding over the long term is the greatest power of investing. Your holding period for an investment asset should be measured is in decades, not days.

8) Do nothing is usually correct – “Do nothing” (being a long term investor) sounds easy, until you start investing your capital. Investing should be more like watching paint dry than a Las Vegas casino. More often than not, it’s the correct thing to do. Ninety-nine percent of good investing is doing nothing. It’s essential to ignore the noise and the hysteria of Mr. Market. Never Let Short-Term Volatility Dictate Your Long-Term Investment Decisions.

9) Learn valuation – Know what valuation metrics matter and when they matter. P/E Ratio is great, but it’s not universally applicable, and it only works when a company is in mature (stage 4). Consider ROIC, P/FCF, and P/Sales. Remember: Every investment is the present value of all future cash flow.

10) Network with others – Connect with other trusted long-term investors and experts. A good community is worth its weight in gold. Especially when bear markets appear.

Final thought: Have a plan – A financial plan is paramount to your financial success. During periods of volatility, you often hear that investors should “stay the course”, but there is not a course to stay without having a comprehensive financial plan.

The plan should be based upon your goals, values, purpose and dreams for the future, short and long term. It is a roadmap for your financial future and it should provide a guide for how you invest. The plan should also address other areas such as retirement planning, estate planning, risk management, asset allocation review, and cash flow planning.

In all things, be grateful! Appreciate and be grateful for all aspects for your current life and the abundance of opportunities. Gratitude influences your state of mind, your behavior, your relationships and your perspective on the world.

Roman philosopher Cicero said that, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of the virtues but the parent of all the others.”

Source: Brian Feroldi, 10 Critical Investing Lessons, Twitter, June 25, 2022.

Older Americans Have Not Saved for Retirement

Nearly one-third of older Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement.

Almost three in 10 older Americans between 55 and 67 years old have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, according to a new survey from Sagewell Financial, a banking and financial technology company focused on seniors’ money management.

Whereas, four in 10 older Americans had less than $50,000 saved for retirement. 

Paying for retirement by older Americans

The Sagewell Senior Certainty Survey of older Americans revealed:

  • 27% have less than $10K saved for retirement, and 40% have less than $50K
  • 57% are concerned that they will run out of money
  • 82% do not feel confident about their access to cash or liquidity in retirement
  • 73% said they welcome some income smoothing (receiving consistent income in the form of 1 or 2 consolidated monthly checks.)

“It is disheartening to learn that more than a quarter of Baby Boomers have less than $10K saved for retirement – that number jumps to 32% among women,” said Sam Zimmerman, co-founder and CEO of Sagewell. “Nearly 60% of seniors expect to live on less than $3K a month in retirement. We are at a crisis point now, and it will worsen unless we take drastic steps to improve the way our seniors plan for and live in retirement.”

Inflation and Recession

Older Americans are being hit hard by soaring inflation, painfully high gas prices, and fear of a looming recession which has outpaced increases in their benefits this year. These challenges have many older Americans worrying about their financial security and future. 

“If you have inflation and a recession combined together, it’s a whole different beast,” said Zimmerman. “This is a time for action. The quicker you move, the more agency you have in reducing the impact of a recession.”

Given the darkening forecast, it’s not too soon to plan ahead and prepare for a possible recession.

First, don’t do this

While there are money moves you can take to help ride out a downturn, that generally shouldn’t include bailing out of the stock market.  

“The worst thing people can do is they get nervous and pull money out the market,” said Jordan Rippy, a personal finance expert and accounting professor at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. “Most people should be invested in the market for the long term.” 

Cut your budget

Instead, look for ways to trim your monthly budget. That can mean culling things like subscriptions and streaming services, while also negotiating discounts on your cable, cell phone and other bills. 

Pay off your debt 

It’s expensive to carry debt in an inflationary environment. In particular, you want to pay off credit card debt — or any kind of debt with a variable interest rate — right away. That’s because those interest rates will rise and add more debt. 

Keep contributing to your 401(k)

Do not press pause on saving for retirement. Indeed, if possible keep stashing the same fixed percentage of your income in your 401(k) or other retirement savings plan. Even if the market is volatile your assets will grow over time if you don’t try to time the market. 

This approach, known as dollar-cost averaging, ensures that people look past the usual dizzying swings in the stock market and keep building their nest egg.

Create new revenue streams

Try to diversify your income sources so that if your company downsizes and you lose your job, you’ll still have money coming in.

The Sagewell Senior Certainty Index is an online, random sample survey of 1,004 Americans between 55 – 67 who are approaching retirement or recently retired. The survey was conducted to gauge how seniors, particularly those who are online, view the certainty of their retirement planning. 


  1. Jeff H, (June 21, 2022), Sagewell Senior Certainty Index, https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/retirement/nearly-one-third-of-older-americans-have-less-than-2410000-saved-for-retirement/ar-AAYHJVK
  2. https://www.sagewellfinancial.com/sagewell-senior-certainty-index-june-2022/
  3. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/inflation-recession-saving-money-tips-gas-how-to-prepare-financially/

Debt is Bad

If you make the monthly minimum payment on your 14% interest rate credit card balance, it will take 25 years to payoff this debt and you will pay in interest charges more than the original amount.

You should always pay more than the minimum payment due on your credit cards, student loans and other consumer debt. As your credit card debt balance decreases, your minimum payment due will decrease and your payments will stretch out. If you make the monthly minimum payment on your 14% interest rate credit card balance, it will take 25 years to payoff this debt and you will pay in interest charges more than the original amount.

There are amazing benefits to climbing out of credit card and student loan debt. Paying off debt takes a plan and patience to execute it.

  1. Figure out how much debt you owe. You cannot make a plan to pay off your debt until you know exactly how much you owe.
  2. Decide what to payoff first. Best option is to pay all the minimums, but pay more money on the card with the highest APR. The “snowball” method is the most efficient approach. It’s essential for you to get started.
  3. Negotiate down the APR. call the credit card company and ask for a lower APR. if successful, you can save a significant amount of money.
  4. Decide where the money to pay off your credit card will come from, like balance transfer (a band aid for a larger problem, your spending habits), 401(k) or home equity one of credit (HELOC), or reducing spending to prioritize debt reduction.
  5. Get started. The goal is action, not paralysis by analysis. Get started executing your plan and you can always find tune it later.

Being in debt means giving up choices and having reduced options; it means staying at a job you hate because it pays good money; it means not being able to build a decent savings account. It means delaying or foregoing implementing your plan to achieve financial freedom.

“Good debt is a powerful tool. But bad debt can kill you.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki

Debt can be a tool, as long as it is used to buy assets. And, statistically speaking, debt in America is normal. Only 50 percent of households reported any credit card debt, while credit card companies reported that 76 percent of households owed them money,” wrote Binyamin Appelbaum of the NYT

Seventy-five percent of Americans claim that they don’t make major purchases on their credit cards unless they can pay it off when the balance is due. Yet when looking at data of actual spending behavior, over seventy percent (70%) of Americans carry a balance.

It appears most people have no idea how much they actually owe or have any idea what their debt payoff date is.

Most people don’t get into serious credit card debt overnight. Instead, they accumulate debt little by little overtime until they realize they’ve got a serious debt problem.

Getting rid of credit card and student loan debts is hard, but very necessary to build wealth and achieve financial freedom.

Without a debt management plan, that requires knowing both the amount of debt you owe and the projected payoff date, you will more than likely be controlled by your debts.

The good news is that credit card and student loan debts are almost always manageable if you have a plan and take discipline steps to control and reduce it. You have to plan and take action paying off you credit card and student loan debts.

The number one mistake people make with their credit cards is carry a balance, or not paying it off every month. Since the key to utilizing credit cards effectively is to pay off the balance in full every month.

It is difficult for someone to achieve financial freedom if they always owe and have excessive debt.

Use credit only to purchase things of lasting value: a home, an education, maybe a car. Pay cash for everything else. To quote Knight Kiplinger, “Do you know anyone who got into big financial trouble because they didn’t borrow enough money?”

Once you’re out of the debt hole, you can avoid that predicament again, explains bankrate.com. Here are some rules to live by:

  • Set a budget and stick to it. Live within your means.
  • Avoid impulse purchases.
  • Shop around for the lowest price before making a big purchase.
  • If you use a credit card, pay off the balance each month to avoid interest charges.
  • Keep your finances organized and keep a close eye on your bank balances.
  • Stay away from “buy now, pay later” and “interest-free financing” offers, which just defer your debt.
  • Save money. Try to set aside a certain percentage of your income to be swept into savings.


  1. https://www.bankrate.com/personal-finance/debt/debt-consolidation-options/

Warren Buffett’s Three Investing Principles

If you want to invest on your own, billionaire investor Warren Buffett recommends three investing principles that have guided him over the decades.

The principles are derived from a book first published in 1949: “The Intelligent Investor”, written by Buffett’s mentor, Benjamin Graham:

Principle 1: Don’t look at a stock like it is a ticker symbol with a price that goes up and down on a chart. It’s a slice of a company’s profits far into the future, and that’s how they need to be evaluated.

Buffett has four things he wants to see, whether he’s buying the entire company for Berkshire, or just a slice of it as a stock:

  1. “One that we can understand …” When Buffett talks about “understanding” a company, he means he understands how that company will be able to make money far into the future. He’s often said he didn’t buy shares of what turned out to be very successful tech companies like Google and Microsoft because he didn’t understand them.
  2. “With favorable long-term prospects …” Buffett often refers to a company’s sustainable competitive advantage, something he calls a “moat.” A “moat” consists of things a company does to keep and gain loyal customers, such as low prices, quality products, proprietary technology, and, often, a well- known brand built through years of advertising, such as Coca-Cola. An established company in an industry that has large start-up costs that deter would be competitors can also have a moat.
  3. “Operated by honest and competent people …”. “Generally, we like people who are candid. We can usually tell when somebody’s dancing around something, or where their — when the reports are essentially a little dishonest, or biased, or something. And it’s just a lot easier to operate with people that are candid. “And we like people who are smart, you know. I don’t mean geniuses… And we like people who are focused on the business.” — 1995 BERKSHIRE ANNUAL MEETING. The quality of the business itself, however, takes precedence.
  4. “Available at a very attractive price.”Buffett’s goal is to buy when the price is below a company’s “intrinsic value.”“The intrinsic value of any business, if you could foresee the future perfectly, is the present value of all cash that will be ever distributed for that business between now and judgment day.“And we’re not perfect at estimating that, obviously”, Buffett stated. “But that’s what an investment or a business is all about. You put money in, and you take money out.”

Principle 2: The stock market is there to serve you, not instruct you.

Many non-professional investors become concerned when stock prices fall. They think the market is telling them they made a mistake. Some may even be so shaken that they sell stocks at the lower prices.

Buffett takes the opposite view. If he buys a stock because he thinks the company will be a long-term winner, he doesn’t let the market convince him otherwise.

Principle 3: Maintain a margin of safety

“We try not to do anything difficult …

“This is not like Olympic diving. In Olympic diving, they have a degree of difficulty factor. And if you can do some very difficult dive, the payoff is greater if you do it well than if you do some very simple dive.

“That’s not true in investments. You get paid just as well for the most simple dive, as long as you execute it all right. And there’s no reason to try those three-and-a-halfs when you get paid just as well for just diving off the side of the pool and going in cleanly.

“So, we look for one-foot bars to step over rather than seven-foot or eight-foot bars to try and set some Olympic record by jumping over. And it’s very nice, because you get paid just as well for the one-foot bars.” — 1998 BERKSHIRE ANNUAL MEETING

Low cost index funds

Buffett has long recommended that investors put their money in low-cost index funds, which hold every stock in an index, making them automatically diversified. The S&P 500, for example, includes big-name companies like Apple, Coca-Cola and Amazon.

Buffett said that for people looking to build wealth and their retirement savings, diversified index funds make “the most sense practically all of the time.”

“Consistently buy an S&P 500 low-cost index fund,” Buffett said in 2017. “Keep buying it through thick and thin, and especially through thin.”


  1. https://fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/editorialfiles/2022/03/22/bwp22links.pdf
  2. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/02/warren-buffett-says-investing-is-a-simple-game.html

Credit Report and Score, and Credit Cards

Credit is one of the most vital factors in building wealth and achieving financial freedom.

Building good credit is one of the first steps in creating an infrastructure for achieving financial freedom. Your largest purchases are almost always made on credit. People with good or excellent credit save tens of thousands of dollars on these purchases through lower interest rates and better terms.

There are two main components to your credit: your credit report and your credit score.

A good or excellent credit score can save you hundred of thousands of dollars in interest charges. Since if you have a good or excellent credit, it makes you less risky to lenders, meaning they can offer you a better or lower interest rate on loans such as mortgage loans and automobile loans.

Lenders charge you more or less for a loan depending on you score and credit history, which signifies how safe or risky you are.

Once a year, by law, you’re allowed to obtained a copy of your credit report free from the major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

It’s important to plan now to monitor, manage and improve your credit before you need the auto or mortgage loan three to five years in the future.

And, never forget that one of the most important factors in improving your credit is getting out of debt and paying your bills on time.

Credit Cards

There has been a great proliferation of credit cards and people owning multiple credit cards over the past decade and more. And, the competition for consumers among competing credit card companies has become fierce.

Credit cards provide convenience and flexibility. And if you pay your credit card bill balance in full and on time each month, they can be utilized as a free short -term loan. They can help you track your spending much more easily than cash and you can download your transaction history.

Additionally, there are many benefits and rewards associated with credit cards such as cash back and travel rewards. But beware, most of the best rewards credit cards have annual fees. Only if you spend thousands of dollars per month on your credit card, the annual fee for the rewards might be worth it.

If you’re booking travel or eating out, use a travel card to maximize rewards, writes Sethi. For everything else, use a cash back card.

If you don’t completely pay off your credit card bill balance each month, you’ll incurred an enormous amount of interest at an high annual percentage rate (APR) that compounds.

It’s very easy to overuse and overspend with credit cards and find yourself in debt. One of the biggest problems with credit cards is the hidden cost of using them, says Ramit Sethi, “I Will Teach You to be Rich”. Many Americans have over spent and carry large credit card balances. The average credit card debt in the US in 2021, was $5,525, per Experian’s report. This was nearly 7% lower than the $5,897 in average credit card debt that was recorded in the same report in 2020.

To maximize the credit card benefits like cash-back, gift cards, air miles, discounts at the gas pump, or other rewards. And perks like free roadside assistance, free car rental insurance, or a free credit score and minimize the cost of credit cards, Sethi recommends:

  1. Pay off your credit card bill balance monthly. The single most important thing you can do to improve your credit score is to pay your bills on time. You’ll save thousands of dollars. If you miss one payment on your credit card, your credit score may drop, your APR can increase, you’ll be charged a late fee, and your late fee can trigger a rate increase on your other credit cards.
  2. Try to get fees on your credit card waived. A month before your new annual fee kicks in, call your credit card company and ask if they will waive the fee.
  3. Negotiate a lower APR. Call your credit card company and ask them to lower your APR. If they ask why, tell them that you’ve been diligently paying your bill in full on time for the last several years and there are a number of credit cards offering better rates.
  4. Keep your main cards for a long time and keep them active. Lenders like to see a long history of credit. Thus, the long you hold an account, the more valuable it is for your credit score.
  5. Get more credit. Do this only if you have no debt and you consider yourself financially responsible. You obtain more credit to improve your credit utilization rate, which is simply how much you owe divided by your available credit. Lower is preferred because lenders don’t want you regularly spending all the credit you have available. It’s too likely you’ll default and not pay them back.
  6. Use credit card’s secret perks. If you have very good credit, call your credit cards companies and other lenders once a year and ask them what advantages you’re eligible to receive. Often they can waive fees, extend credit and give you private promotions.

Call your credit card company and ask them to send you a full list of all their rewards.


  1. https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com
  2. https://lanterncredit.com/credit-cards/average-credit-card-debt
  3. https://www.creditwww.com/Edu/credit-card-costs-and-benefits/

The Power of Dividends

Dividends account for about 40% of total stock market return over time

Value of dividends

There are 2 ways to make money in the stock market: capital appreciation and dividends.

Capital appreciation—an increase in a stock’s price—gets most of the attention, but dividends can be surprisingly powerful.

Fidelity Investments’ research finds that dividend payments have accounted for approximately 40% of the overall stock market’s return since 1930.

What’s more, dividends can help prop up returns when stock prices struggle. For example, stock prices in the S&P 500 fell during the 1930s and 2000s, but dividends almost completely offset the decline. In the 1940s and 1970s, when inflation surged, dividends accounted for 65% and 71% of the S&P 500’s return, respectively.

“From a multi-asset income perspective, I am always seeking investments that pay a high enough level of current income to help cushion the blow during down markets. Conversely, in rising markets, this income component contributes to the overall total return of the investment. In this regard, companies that pay a sustainable and growing dividend have the potential to grow their income to keep up with inflation,” says Adam Kramer, portfolio manager for the Fidelity Multi-Asset Income Fund


  1. https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/trading-investing/inflation-and-dividend-stocks

Start Early to Build Wealth

The single most important thing you can do to build wealth is to start early. Getting started is more important than becoming a financial expert and the easiest way to manage your money is to take one small step at a time.

You, like most people, do not need a financial adviser to help you build wealth. Instead, you need to set up accounts at financial institutions, such as Fideltiy or Vanguard, automate the day-to-day money management (including bills, savings, investing and paying off debt). And, you need to know a few things to invest in, and then be patient and wait thirty years for your money to grow.

But, that’s not cool or exciting. Instead of listening to the noise of the financial entertainment media, instead you want your money to go where you want it to go in accordance with your goals and values. You want your money to grow automatically, in accounts that don’t nickel-and-dime you with excessive expenses and fees.

It’s essential to start today to learn about building wealth and take small steps to save, invest and manage your money. You don’t have to be a genius or financial expert to build wealth. Successful wealth building takes time, discipline and patience.

What do I want to do with my life–and how can I use my wealth to do it!

Investing early is the best thing you can do; ‘doing nothing’ ranks right up there with trying to drive a car without tires; it’s a bad idea and it won’t get you anywhere.

The single most important thing you can do to build wealth is to start early.

Here’s a great example of why investing early matters, that puts it in numbers:

  • If you invest $5,000 every year (which is $417/month) for 10 years, from age 25 to age 35 and then never invest again, you’d still have more money at retirement, than someone who starts at age 35 and invests $5,000 every year until they retire.
  • The 25 year old starter invests $55,000 and ends up with $615,000 (given an 8% annual return, which is close to the average return of the stock market per year). The 35 year old invests $130,000 and ends up with $431,000.

So, remember the adage “The best time to start building wealth is twenty years ago. The second best time is today.” You can save and invest modest amounts, like $20 a monty, and over time realize thousands of dollars in gains.

There are a lot of societal problems, but it’s important to focus on what you can control. Don’t be a passenger in life. It’s a lot more fun to be a captain of your own ship, even if you go off course a few dozen times. Building wealth does require some work. But, the benefits and rewards will surpass the effort.

Take a long term view. The economy grows and contracts in cycles ( business cycle). Fear is no excuse to do nothing with your money. You cam automate your saving and investing, thus you can continue to save and invest whiles others respond to emotions of fear.

Investing for average stock market returns (8% to 9%) is great since most retail and so call smart money fail to beat the average returns of the stock market. Moreover, theses investors tend to do the things that guarantee their failure: trade frequently, make outlandish investments, incur high taxes and pay unnecessary fees. The single most important factor to building wealth is getting started.

The challenges and opportunities with building wealth, and the corresponding solution, are you. Your mindset, behaviors and actions are the number one problem.

  1. You’re the only one responsible for your financial problems.
  2. Know how much money you have coming in and then automatically direct it where you want it to end up.
  3. It’s essential to start early and to start investing today, even if it’s just $1.


  1. https://fourminutebooks.com/i-will-teach-you-to-be-rich-summary/

Buying Stocks On the Dip

“Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful.” ~Warren Buffett

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett added shares of companies during the market downturn. He has been acquiring stocks on the dip during the recent quarter’s market downturn and bulking up his stakes in oil companies such as Occidental Petroleum (OXY)

Buying a ‘Wonderful Company at a Fair Price’

The most important concept to appreciate when buying stocks is that price is what you pay for a stock, and value is what you get. Paying too high a price can decimate returns and increase your investing risk. 

To delve deeper, the value of a stock is relative to the number of earnings or cash flow the company will generate over its lifetime. In particular, this value is determined by discounting all future cash flows back to a present value, or intrinsic value.

Buffett has said that “it is much better to buy a wonderful business at a good price than a good business at a wonderful price”.

Buffett’s investing style has been buying stocks on sale priced below its intrinsic value. He has never been one that favors acquiring commodities, but higher inflation rates could have played a role, Thomas Hayes, chairman of Great Hill Capital in New York, commented.

“As for Buffett buying shares in OXY, I wouldn’t make too much on it,” Hayes said. “Historically, he has avoided investing in commodity stocks. Today he sees it as a hedge against inflation and a potential supply/demand imbalance.”

Inflation is the biggest strain on the economy. While the pace of inflation eased slightly during the month of April, investor sentiment towards the Fed’s pace of tightening remains mixed.

The fact that he is deploying his war chest of cash is a strong indication that he and his lieutenants believe that there are undervalued stocks out there,” he said. “This doesn’t mean he believes that the market is undervalued or will rebound in the near future, but that some companies are compelling buys. This is a good signal for value investors.”

Buffett’s energy investments demonstrate the 91-year old’s investing strategy of acquiring shares in companies that have low valuations and shareholder returns in the form of dividends and buybacks, Art Hogan, chief market strategist B Riley Financial, told TheStreet.


  1. https://www.thestreet.com/investing/buffett-buying-stocks-on-the-dip