Financial freedom can be an elusive—and hard-to-define—goal.
Financial freedom is often said to be in the eye of the beholder. To some it may mean freedom of debt and being able to fund your lifestyle with your cash flow; to others it may mean early retirement on a Caribbean island. Whatever your financial goals or definition of financial freedom, there are ways and things you can learn to help you get your financial house in order.

Once you’ve decided that financial freedom is one of your top goals, you can start taking steps to achieve it. Thus, the first step toward achieving financial freedom is to define exactly what it means for you. You can’t generally achieve something that you haven’t defined. So, once you’ve defined what financial freedom means to you, you can start taking steps toward your goals.
“What then is freedom? The power to live as one wishes.” Marcus Tullius Cicero
Just because you have money does not mean you have financial freedom. There have been numerous people, especially professional athletes and entertainers, who have earned millions of dollars and subsequently lost it all through reckless spending and debilitating debt. Thus, even if you have a lot of money, if you don’t know how to manage and make your money work for you, it will more than likely disappear.
Financial freedom typically means having enough savings, financial assets, and cash on hand to afford the kind of life you desire for yourself and your families. It means growing savings and investments to a level that enables you to retire or pursue the career you want without being driven to earn a wage or salary each year. Financial freedom means your money and assets are working hard for you rather than the other way around…you’re working hard for your money.
In other words, financial freedom is about much more than just having money. It’s the freedom to be who you really are and do what you really want in life. It’s about following your passion, making choices that aren’t influenced by your bank account, net worth or cash flow, and living life on your terms.
Track your expenses
It’s difficult to know how to save money if you don’t have a good idea of where your money is going. Carefully track your spending habits for a typical month. Doing this will help you to become more conscious of your discretionary expenditures. It will also reinforce what expenses are essential and remind you to plan for unexpected expenditures, like medical emergencies and car repairs. Therefore, it is vital to understand and to know where your money is going.
Make a budget
Once you’ve taken inventory of your expenses, next step is to create a budget. While budgeting can sound like a cumbersome task, you may want to start by using a budgeting calculator to get a feel for how you are currently spending your money and how you’d like to change your spending.
One popular budgeting method is the 50/30/20 rule. The 50/30/20 rule is a way to divide your post-tax income based on your needs, wants and savings. The rule states that people should spend 50% of their income on their needs. This includes health insurance, housing, transportation, and groceries. Then, the guideline states that people should spend 30% of their income on wants or non-necessities such as entertainment, travel, and more. Finally, the last 20% of a person’s income should be saved or invested. This might include retirement savings and building a stock portfolio.
Once you have created a budget, don’t put it in a drawer and forget about it. Instead, make it a working and living document that you check and refer to often. Spend a half-hour per month reviewing how your actual expenses match your budget and make adjustments as necessary.
Automate your savings
Automating your savings and investing is one of the easiest steps you can take to ensure that you are on the path to financial freedom. You can set automated contributions to your employer-sponsored investments, including your 401(k) contributions and employee stock options.
When your savings and investing are automated, your money will continue to grow without you having to think about it. This will help you to reach your financial goals easily and quickly.
Have some percentage (10% to 20%) of your paycheck automatically deposited into a separate account—whether it’s a savings account, a 401(k) or an IRA. Money that isn’t easily accessible is not easily spent.
Unfortunately, many Americans are not saving enough to maintain their current standard of living during their retirement years. It was found that about 21% of Americans have nothing saved for retirement, according to the Northwestern Mutual’s 2018 Planning & Progress Study.
Start investing early
Follow the adage, the best time to start investing was twenty years ago; the second best time is today. You should start investing in a tax deferred account, preferably with your employer matching a portion or all of your contribution.
Planning for retirement is a marathon and not a sprint. Even if you are starting small, the most important thing is to get started. Therefore, it will likely take decades to reach your goal. Therefore, it is important to remember why you want to achieve financial freedom. Keeping your purpose, goals and the bigger picture in mind will help you navigate the day-to-day financial decisions.
Once you become financially free, you have more choices of how to live your life and spend your days.
When you decide that you want to start working toward financial freedom, it is important to remember that you will not become financially free overnight. However, according to certified financial planner David Rae, in a 2018 article in Forbes magazine, there are eight hierarchies of financial freedom that you can work towards:
- Level 1: Not Living Paycheck to Paycheck – The first level of financial freedom is building up an emergency fund and paying off any credit card debt. Unfortunately, living paycheck to paycheck is the reality of millions of Americans. According to the Federal Reserve’s Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2017, some 40% of households could not cover a $400 unexpected expense.
- Level 2: Enough Money to take a sabbatical from your work – Accumulating enough money to be able to take a break away from work can be rewarding. This does not mean you have to quit your job, but it sure is a good feeling to know you can.
- Level 3: Enough to be Financially Happy and still Save – it’s about enjoying your life and having the money to do it. There can be peace when you are earning enough to save, doing the things you enjoy and still having extra at the end of the month.
- Level 4: Freedom of Time – Many people desire more flexibility with their schedules. Freedom of time and financial independence go hand in hand. Together, they are about following your passion, or spending more time with family, and not going completely broke doing it.
- Level 5: Enough for a Basic Retirement – Think about what your bare minimum retirement would look like. By knowing your bare minimum retirement, and knowing that you have enough money saved to at least cover some standard of living in your retirement, will also influence other life choices you may make along the way.
- Level 6: Enough to Actually Retire Well – Knowing you are on track to accumulate a nest egg to support that lifestyle is a big win. Well done to those who have accumulated enough assets, or passive income streams, to be in a position to retire well.
- Level 7: Enough for Dream Retirement – It would feel great knowing that you are on track to have enough money to retire and be able to live your dream life. What is stopping you from getting there.
- Level 8: More Money Than You Could Ever Spend – Having more money than you expected to spend is great. Building enough wealth so that you could not possibly spend all of it is another.
Bottomline is that if you want to be financially free, if you want to be able to live the lifestyle of your choosing while responsibly managing your finances, you need to become a different person than you are today and let go of the financial mindset that has created your current financial predicament and has held you back in the past.
Attaining financial freedom, which means having enough savings, investments and cash flow to live as you desire, both now and in your later years, requires a continuous process of growth, learning and emotional strength. In other words, whatever has held you back and provided you comfort in the past or kept you less than who you really are will have to be replaced. You will have to become comfortable for awhile being uncomfortable. And in return, the financially empowered, purposeful, and successful you will emerge — like a butterfly shedding its cocoon.
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