Peter Lynch: Secrets to Success | Investing Lessons | Fidelity

For the 13 years, Peter Lynch ran Fidelity’s Magellan® Fund (1977–1990). During that period, he earned a reputation as a top performer, increasing assets under management from $18 million to $14 billion (as of 1990). Since then, Lynch has mentored virtually every equity analyst at Fidelity. He also authored several top-selling books on investing, including One Up on Wall Street and Beating the Street, and has been a generous contributor to the Boston community, the Catholic Schools Foundation and the Inner City Scholarship Fund.

Whether you enjoy picking individual stocks, aspire to it, or prefer to rely on professional management in the form of mutual funds, ETFs, or managed accounts, his plain-spoken wisdom can help you become a better investor.

“In the stock market, the most important organ is the stomach. It’s not the brain.” — Peter Lynch

“More people have lost money waiting for corrections and anticipating corrections than in actual corrections.” — Peter Lynch

“Stocks aren’t lottery tickets. Behind every stock is a company. If the company does well, over time the stocks do well.” — Peter Lynch

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Source: FIDELITY VIEWPOINTS – 09/18/2019

Plan for Retirement by Focusing on Your Life Goals – Barron’s

Scott Hanson, co-founder and senior partner at $4.5 billion Allworth Financial, sounds more like a life coach. After 27 years in the business, he understands that a big problem many folks have in retirement isn’t that they haven’t saved enough or invested wisely—it’s that they haven’t laid out their life’s goals and are left feeling deflated and unhappy.
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  • Life is about relationships and meaning. When you leave the workplace, people risk losing relationships and their sense of purpose.
  • Money is just a tool and can help accomplish what’s important to people. Sometimes, people are still trying to get clarity on what’s important. A financial advisor’s goal should be to help people live rich and meaningful lives.
  • The danger of predicting where markets are going to go is that, if things go wrong, there could be dire consequences for life.
  • Taxes can take such a big chunk out of wealth. Paying attention to taxes—whether while selling an investment or taking a withdrawal from an IRA or considering a Roth IRA conversion—can mean the difference between paying 15% [on profits] versus 35%.

Grow Your Retirement Savings to Keep Up With Inflation- Ticker Tape

Source: TD Ameritrade’s The Ticker Tape

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Key Takeaways

  • Understand if your assets are keeping pace with inflation and cost of living increases
  • Consider how even an “average” rate of inflation can cut into your retirement savings
  • Take a look at some saving and investing suggestions that might help you combat inflation
  • Most of us probably strived for better-than-average grades at school and better-than-average salaries at work. That being the case, it’s kind of surprising that so many investors seem to be comfortable having “average” retirement savings for their age.

Unfortunately, if your savings are just “average,” they probably aren’t going to account for inflation and cost of living increases both before and during retirement. The hard truth is that even after you retire, your assets will need to grow quicker just to keep up with higher prices.

How to make your retirement savings last forever — Market News

New research, which began circulating in academic circles earlier this month, was conducted by Javier Estrada, a professor of finance at IESE Business School in Barcelona. His new study is entitled: “Managing to Target (II): Dynamic Adjustments for Retirement Strategies.”

In it, Estrada measured the success rates of various strategies that adjusted withdrawal rates depending on whether your portfolio in any given year is ahead or behind of what your retirement financial plan had assumed it should be. It will be ahead, needless to say, if your investments perform better than had been assumed by your financial plan–and behind if your investments have performed more poorly.

Estrada refers to strategies that adjusted withdrawal rates as “dynamic,” in contrast to the “static” strategy implicitly assumed by many financial planners.

To illustrate: Let’s say you retire with a $1 million portfolio, want to fund a 30-year retirement, and your investments grow at an annualized rate of 5% above inflation. Assuming you do not intend to leave a bequest, and assuming your portfolio’s investment return is 5% in each year along the way, you can withdraw the equivalent of $61,954 in today’s dollars in each and every one of those 30 years.

In fact, of course, that italicized assumption is unrealistic. Given the inevitable variability of yearly returns along the way–some good and some bad, it’s not unlikely that, at some point along the way, your portfolio’s performance would be insufficient to support that rate of steady withdrawals. You’d run out of money, in other words.

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Retirement Concern: How to Alleviate Four Common Fears for Retirees

Source: TD Ameritrade’s The Ticker Tape

1. Investment Loss

One of the biggest financial fears retirees may have is investment loss. Because the markets move cyclically, there’s a good chance you’ll experience a market downturn during retirement. This can be doubly painful if you’re a retiree, because you have little choice but to sell at a loss for the capital you need. For retirees this is called “sequence of return risk,” because withdrawing investments in a down or declining market may cause you to liquidate too many shares, which then leaves fewer shares to grow when the market bounces back.

2. Running Out of Money

When you’re younger, a market decline can be weathered in multiple ways: perhaps by saving more, working longer, getting a second job, or just waiting it out because you won’t need to use your savings for years. But once you’re close to or in retirement, running out of money becomes a serious concern. Few people would want to go back to work at age 95 because they ran out of money. Fortunately, the flooring strategy helps here too. Lifetime income means just that: an income stream that’ll last no matter how long you live. By deploying annuities and other lifetime income strategically—just to meet your essential expenses—you can cover basic needs and avoid becoming a burden to your kids or others.

3. Major Health Event

As we get older, it’s common to see an increased need for health care. It’s natural, as a retiree, to worry about a major health event that can set you back financially. But it’s possible to prepare to some degree for such events.

4. Inflationary Effects

Inflation is sometimes considered the “quiet killer” of retirement. Over time, prices rise, making your money less valuable. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. Keeping up with inflation is an important part of retirement planning.

Planning Matters

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to plan ahead. Meet with a retirement specialist to create a plan that might help you avoid unpleasant surprises in the future. The earlier you start, the more likely you are to avoid the common fears faced by retirees. Having a plan in place and making consistent contributions to a retirement portfolio can go a long way.


What Is Financial Health? – Morningstar Blog

When evaluating a client’s “financial health,” advisors should take into account both economic stability and emotional well-being.

Emotional health is wreaking havoc on their finances. Some clients may be financially well-off, but so fearful of making a wrong choice that they don’t make any, leaving their wealth to slowly erode in cash accounts. Then there are clients who spend too freely, choosing blissful ignorance about potential damage to their bottom line.

Neither of these types of clients are financially healthy—regardless of wealth—because an individual’s attitude toward finances is just as essential to overall health as it is to the economic aspects of one’s life. In fact, the American Psychological Association  reports that money is continually one of the top sources of stress in U.S. households, regardless of the economic climate. 

It’s time to redefine the term “financial health” so it includes both a person’s economic stability and emotional well-being around his finances.  

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What Is Financial Health? – Morningstar Blog

Economic stability is only part of reaching financial health 

What is financial health? The topic usually brings to mind only a person’s monetary wealth, but, as many advisors know, even the wealthy can suffer because of their finances. For example, consider the client who has more than enough financial resources to last the rest of his life, but gets anxious about even the smallest splurge. A standard financial algorithm would classify this type of client as being in excellent financial health, since he possesses enough material wealth to withstand any reasonable economic shock. Yet, this finance-related anxiety can ultimately mean his quality of life is quite low.
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Should You Try Timing to Avoid Bad Markets? – Retirement Researcher

Everyone likes the markets when stocks are going up. We’re all getting the returns that we are “supposed” to be receiving for putting our money at risk. Naturally, we aren’t big fans of the market when stocks start falling. Unfortunately, stocks are “supposed” to go up and down – a lot.

The financial markets are based on the relationship between risk and return. We wouldn’t be able to harvest the long-term returns we expect without the risk. And, well, this is what risk looks like.
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Should You Own Bonds in a Rising Rate Environment? – Retirement Researcher

One of the first things that finance students learn is that bond prices (and therefore bond returns) are inversely related to interest rates. Considering that all else is equal, when interest rates are going down, bond prices will go up, and when interest rates are going up, bond prices will go down.

This is fundamental to how finance works, and this raises the obvious question of why you would want to hold bonds when rates are rising – why would we choose to lose money?
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