Keep Yourself Cyber Safe

Every American can take simple steps to improve their cybersecurity and protect themselves while online.

As the nation’s cyber defense agency, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) stands ready to help individuals and organizations prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks and cybercrime.

Currently, CISA recommends all individuals, organizations and businesses —regardless of size—adopt a heightened posture when it comes to cybersecurity and protecting their most critical information and assets.

Every American can take several simple steps to improve their cybersecurity and protect themselves while online. In fact there are 5 things you can do to keep yourself cyber safe. CISA urges everyone to practice the following: 

  • Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your accounts. A password isn’t enough to keep you safe online. By implementing a second layer of identification, like a confirmation text message or email, a code from an authentication app, a fingerprint or Face ID, or best yet, a FIDO key,  you’re giving your bank, email provider, or any other site you’re logging into the confidence that it really is you. Multi-factor authentication can make you 99% less likely to get hacked. So enable multi-factor authentication on your email, social media, online shopping, financial services accounts. And don’t forget your gaming and streaming entertainment services!   
  • Update your software. In fact, turn on automatic updates.   Bad actors will exploit flaws in the system. Update the operating system on your mobile phones, tablets, and laptops.  And update your applications – especially the web browsers – on all your devices too.   Leverage automatic updates for all devices, applications, and operating systems. 
  • Think before you click. More than 90% of successful cyber-attacks start with a phishing email.  A phishing scheme is when a link or webpage looks legitimate, but it’s a trick designed by bad actors to have you reveal your passwords, social security number, credit card numbers, or other sensitive information. Once they have that information, they can use it on legitimate sites. And they may try to get you to run malicious software, also known as malware.  If it’s a link you don’t recognize, trust your instincts, and think before you click. 
  • Use strong passwords, and ideally a password manager to generate and store unique passwords.  Our world is increasingly digital and increasingly interconnected. So, while we must protect ourselves, it’s going to take all of us to really protect the systems we all rely on. 
  • Halt bad practices. Take immediate steps to: (1) replace end-of-life software products that no longer receive software updates; (2) replace any system or products that rely on known/default/unchangeable passwords; and (3) adopt MFA for remote or administrative access to important systems, resources, or databases.

Americans should prepared themselves to respond to cybercrime and to disruptive cyber activity. CISA encourages everyone to put their “Shields Up” and take proactive steps to protect against active and future cyber threats. 

