November is Military Family Appreciation Month.

Let’s celebrate how special military families are and recognize all the ways they support their service members.

November is Military Family Appreciation Month—a time when America honors and recognizes those unique sacrifices and challenges family members make in support of their loved ones in uniform.

“Military Families Serve, Too.”

No matter what rank or branch, or where life has taken them, our nation’s military families share the common threads of service and sacrifice.

November is a month to celebrate the Military Family and honor the commitment made by the families of the nation’s service members. It is a time to honor the military family – a time to celebrate their successes.

85% of military families surveyed feel the American public does not understand the sacrifices they make. ~ Source: USO

During Military Family Month, we thank military families for the tremendous contribution they make in support of our service members, the military mission and the nation.

Military life imposes unique demands on them, and during these difficult times, they have exhibited exceptional sacrifice, resiliency and courage.

The sacrifices and duty involved in service to the nation by military families often goes unnoticed by those in the civilian world. Their countless moves, school changes, friends and sports teams left behind, job changes, months missing their loved one, and nonstop deployments.

Over two million children have parents who served in Iraq or Afghanistan alone.

All Americans should share in the responsibility of caring for our military families. These families have stepped up to the plate at great personal cost, and the toll that multiple and extended deployments take can be very high.

Stress levels sky rocket, and spouses and children can struggle when service members are gone for prolonged periods, and some may even have a difficult time adjusting when the service member returns.

At a minimum, these families deserve some recognition and our appreciation.

Families provide our Servicemembers with invaluable encouragement and love, and manage the home front while their loved ones are deployed.

As we approach the winter holiday season when families across the world come together, we pay special tribute to our deployed forces and their families, who are separated this holiday season.

The dedication and strength of military families during a sustained high operational tempo, increased deployment and long separations is an inspiration to us all. The nation understands that families also serve, and is honored to pay tribute to them.

