Pledge to Action

Recently, four Black Alumni from the U.S. Naval Academy’s Class of 1988 penned a short, yet strong message and call to action ‘Pledge’. The Pledge was written for and shared with their approximately one thousand classmates.

They asked their classmates “to read carefully and consider acknowledging publicly” the intent and and message of the Pledge.

I offer their message to my blog readers to do likewise, to read carefully and consider acknowledging.


“Recent reprehensive comments of a fellow Naval Academy alumnus, along with the worldwide call to address racial inequality and police brutality have deeply impacted many of us in ’88.”

“We have drafted a Pledge that we ask each of you to read carefully and consider acknowledging publicly.”

“This Pledge is not only about race, but about openly discussing and understanding all our differences as people and offering a deeper level of support for each other in a way that many of us have already come to embrace in our lives.”

“It is about conversation, engagement, and using our influence to help us be even stronger as a class and better friends.”

I will take these 3 steps:

1. Listen to my peers.

  • I will interact intentionally with shipmates and have real conversations about our respective life experiences.
  • My commitment is not only to hear but also to try to understand. I pledge to listen to my Class of 1988 brothers and sisters.

2. Lead by example.

  • I will engage to address any displays of injustice and any statements of untruths.
  • If I am in an environment among friends or peers and something insensitive, derogatory, or untrue is proffered, I will reject it and encourage others to do the same.
  • I will lead by example. Silence is no longer an option.
  • What I can do, I will do.

3. Leverage my network.

  • I will use my sphere of influence, an important extension of me, to the benefit of my classmates and the U.S. Naval Academy.

It is critical that we all affirm our commitment to fairness and integrity, and that we carry out our message to the broadest audience possible.

One of their Naval Academy classmate wrote an article that appeared on the website where she pledged to do the following:

“I recognize that we are men and women of action, and only through our actions can we effect a change.” She wrote. “Because it is not enough to only recognize and speak against the mistreatment of our brothers and sisters who served alongside me, I commit to you that I will also engage on your behalf.”

“What I can do, I will do. I commit to each of you to serve alongside you.”

