Nitric Oxide

Many people think that taking nitric oxide supplements will enhance blood flow in the body to improve performance in sports, promote healing, enhance heart health, and provide many other potential benefits.

To reduce inflammation or improve your digestion, sleep quality, immunity, memory, and behavior, you need to know about nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is an essential molecule required for overall health. As a vasodilator, nitric oxide signals the blood vessels to relax, allowing them to expand.

Nitric oxide is most known for its role in heart health as it is a potent vasodilator and regulator of blood pressure, making your blood vessels supple and flexible, which allows them to withstand pressure changes.

What is Nitric Oxide?

Nitric oxide is a gaseous molecule synthesized from the amino acid L-arginine with molecular oxygen by synthases, neuronal (nNOS), endothelial (eNOS), and inducible (iNOS).

Nitric oxide performs crucial roles in vascular and neuronal signal transduction, smooth muscle contractility, bioenergetics, platelet adhesion and aggregation, immunity, and cell death regulation.

Benefits of Nitric Oxide:

Research shows that Nitric oxide has blood-flow-enhancing effects and supports healthy delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles during exercise.

There may be benefits of Nitric oxide supplements for sexual enhancement and erectile dysfunction. Studies imply that some men can use Nitric oxide as a natural way to aid with erectile issues and maintain a healthy sexual experience.

Nitric oxide is produced by the endothelial cells lining the arteries; however, Nitric Oxide levels can naturally decrease as you age.

As you age, your body slows down and produces less of almost everything than it did in your younger years.

Additionally, many unknowingly use antibacterial mouthwash or acid blockers to cut down the acid in their stomach. Both of these products destroy the good bacteria in your mouth and your gut. You need these bacteria to convert certain nutrients in your body into Nitric Oxide.

Regular physical exercise is a great way to enable and empower our body’s function. It helps distribute much-needed life-giving oxygen and healthy nutrients to the rest of the body. However, exercising 24/7 isn’t reasonably achievable for the everyday person.

You can boost naturally Nitric oxide levels in your body. A diet of foods such as spinach, beets, celery, arugula lettuce, iceberg lettuce, carrots, parsley, cabbage, radishes, collard greens, etc., have small amounts of nitric oxide. Changes in diet can improve Nitric oxide levels.