Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life

“It’s never the situation that’s at fault. It’s the way we choose to view it. How we see our lives is how we live our lives.” Nicolas Cole

Many people, after experiencing setbacks and failures, emotionally give up and stop trying. They believe that because they were unsuccessful in the past, they will always be unsuccessful going forward. In other words, they continue to see a barrier or obstacle to their success in their heads, even when no barrier or obstacle exists between where they are in their life and where they want to go.

Yet, no matter how hard the world tries to hold you back and convince you that you’re not worthy of achieving the life you desire, it’s imperative that you always continue to believe that your goals and what you want to achieve in life are possible. Believing you can become successful and you can achieve your wildest dreams and goals are the most important and critical steps in actually achieving them.

Taking accountability.

The reason why so many people struggle and fail at achieving their wildest dreams and goals is that they take the easy path and blame others for how they feel, for their current life, or for their personal issues.

Instead of “manning (or womanning)-up”, they default to blaming their parents, their childhood, or their bad luck for the reality they find themselves.

The key to achieve success and accomplish your goals is to take accountability. To shift your perspective from “blame” to “ownership.” By taking ownership and accepting accountability, you are allowing yourself to open up and to see opportunities to learn and grow.

Focus On The Lesson, Not The Problem

Many people fail to realize that it’s the journey that’s most important, not the end of the journey or reaching the destination. You are “successful” when you are walking your path, always learning, always growing. You are “doing what you love” when you see every moment as an opportunity.

It’s on you to discover the opportunities to grow and learn, and to embrace every moment as an opportunity.  Regardless of where you are in life, or what you’re doing, there are lessons to be learned. And unless you can discover those lessons and embrace your own journey, you will never actually reach the state of feeling “successful”–in the sense that you are learning and growing and effortlessly becoming a better version of yourself.

Lessons Are Everywhere. It’s On You To Find Them.

It is important to train and to condition yourself to always find the positive. Create moments of growth and opportunity. Growth is the result of how you utilize your environment and the people around you, and create opportunities for yourself.

The key to shifting your perspective is to remember what you’re aiming for. For example: A job where you perform mundane tasks is going to continue being mundane if you just see it as “just a job.” But a job where you perform mundane tasks that could be seen as a way to learn skills you need in order to one day do what it is you truly want to do, is no longer “just a job.” It’s an opportunity to learn.

You should recognize that what you look for is what you tend to see. So, instead of looking for an outcome that is negative or some flaw, look for something positive that can be beneficial or add to your. Shift your search for happiness and you can help create what you most desire.

Replace negative thoughts with something more positive. Practice focusing on the positive thoughts. The more you practice, the easier it will be for these thoughts to become second nature. Strive to say at least three positive thoughts about yourself each day, as it can make you feel happier and more confident during the day and help banish negative thoughts. Remember that perspectives can change, so work towards striving for positivity.

In the story above, nothing physical or tangible changed with your circumstances. The only thing that changed was your perspective.  And that makes all the difference.

So, when you’re looking at what’s going on around you and wonder how to escape the negativity and dark feelings. Maybe it’s not your circumstances that need to change—it’s your perspective and mindset.

