Financial Paradigm

“We think we see the world as it is, when in fact we see the world as we are.” Stephen R. Covey

Paradigms [pronounced para-dimes], like mindset, represent your views of the world, your explanations for what you observe in and think about the world around you. 

You think that you see the world as it is. In fact, you really see the world as you are, Stephen Covey wrote in his seminal book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. “We project onto the outside world, our environment, the people we associate with, including how we see ourselves. We project out of our own conditioning experiences, our own background, a certain representation, a certain model, a certain set of expectations, a certain assumption on that reality out there. We think that’s the way it is.”

As a metaphor, compare your paradigms to the lenses in your glasses.  What you see isn’t a completely accurate reflection of reality, it is shaped by your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, behaviors and perceptions. Yet, “We are not our feelings. We are not our moods. We are not even our thoughts… self-awareness enables us to stand apart and examine even the way we ‘see’ ourselves,” according to Stephen R. Covey.

Your paradigms shape how you interpret the world, and your interpretation governs how you behave; thus, changing the lens we use in deciding how to change your behavior. Each person’s experiences and biology creates different paradigms, so two people with different paradigms can look at the same facts, interpret them completely differently, and both be right.

Covey referred to paradigm as a map; it is a map of your perceptions, your frame of reference, your worldview, your value-system, your autobiography that you’re projecting upon the outside world.

Paradigms are natural and inevitable, and they are useful to you in many ways.  However, sometimes your paradigms can become so far removed from reality that they become dysfunctional. 

A “paradigm shift” occurs when your paradigms change, allowing you to see the world in a new and different perspective.  Sometimes this can happen suddenly, and sometimes very gradually. 

“Paradigms are powerful because they create the lens through which we see the world. If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But if you want big changes, work on your paradigm.” Stephen R. Covey

Any true happiness or fulfillment or success will have to come from the inside-out, and be based upon a sound character, Covey repeatedly stated. His message was a simple one: “for true success and meaning in life, we must be principle-centered in all areas [purpose, health, emotional well-being and financial] of life”. A teacher at heart, he often taught, “There are three constants in life: change, choice and principles.”

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” Albert Einstein

Most behavioral financial experts focus on an investor’s behavior and on emotions. Without a doubt, both of those concepts are very important regarding investing, but far more fundamental than either behavior or emotion, is a positive paradigm and a financial mindset. 

When you understand what’s guiding your emotions, thoughts and behavior, you can make a conscious effort to refrain from acting out of those paradigms and actually choose how you respond to a person or situation. 

Dr. Stephen R. Covey often proclaimed that, “the quickest way to change your paradigm is to change your role.” Become a successful investor. A parent. A leader. A business owner. It will alter your perspective overnight. You’ll see everything from a different point of view and mindset. 

Be Grateful. Be Kind. Be Generous. Be at Peace.

And, Have a Positive Financial Mindset: When People are Genuinely Happy at the Financial Successes of Others, the Wealth Pie Gets Larger.

