Churchill on Success

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” attributed to Sir Winston Churchill

The quote, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”, is often attributed to Sir Winston Churchill. However, Churchill did not utter these words according to many Churchill scholars including historian Richard Langworth.

During a speech at the University of Miami, in February 1946, Churchill commented:

“I am surprised that in my later life I should have become so experienced in taking degrees, when, as a school-boy I was so bad at passing examinations. In fact one might almost say that no one ever passed so few examinations and received so many degrees. From this a superficial thinker might argue that the way to get the most degrees is to fail in the most examinations. 

This would however, Ladies and Gentlemen, be a conclusion unedifying in the academic atmosphere in which I now preen myself, and I therefore hasten to draw another moral with which I am sure we shall all be in accord: namely, that no boy or girl should ever be disheartened by lack of success in their youth but should diligently and faithfully continue to persevere and make up for lost time. There at least is a sentiment which I am sure the Faculty and the Public, the scholars and the dunces, will all be cordially united upon.”

Churchill spoke a lot about success. In the speech he gave at the University of Miami, he spoke about how poorly he did in school as a child, yet how many degrees he either earned or was awarded in his adulthood.

He conveyed to the audience that with determination and perseverance, those who feel like they’re failing should not be discouraged. Since, by being diligent in your pursuits, and with determination, you can ultimately achieve your goals. Because, any goal that is worth pursuing is going to end in multiple failures before success is finally achieved.

