Ryan Clark

Ryan Clark, ESPN commentator, expresses his frustration about the shooting of Jacob Blake and the current state of racial affairs in the country.

It has been extremely difficult not to feel frustrated and angry regarding another senseless shooting of an unarmed man of color at the hands of those sworn to ‘protect and serve’. From reports, this good Samaritian was attempting to de-escalate a domestic situation and was returning to his vehicle with his children inside when he was shot in the back.

Our country has survived a cataclysmic Civil War and two devastating World Wars, but we seem unable to resolve the intrinsic problems of systematic racism and socioeconomic injustice that runs counter to the principles in which the country was founded and as documented in the U.S. Constitution.

Yet, we should remain hopeful that our nation will collectively in the coming decades work to solve this deep rooted challenge. Additionally, we should maintain the perspective that it took many generations to create the problems, but hopefully it takes fewer generations to resolve.