Small-Cap Stocks

“Growth is greatest in the early stages of a company’s development.” Cabot Wealth

There is a common perception among investors that over the long term, small-cap stocks outperform large-cap stocks. In exchange for more risk, you get more reward.

As it turns out, this is mostly untrue, according to Seeking Alpha. The best small-cap stocks offer more explosive upside potential, but as a group they don’t really outperform large-cap stocks, subject to a few caveats.

The best possible investing scenario is to identify a top small-cap stock that will go on to become a large-cap stock over the coming years, and go up in value by 10x or 100x.

Unfortunately, for every massive winner that does that, there are multiple losers. Both Russell and Wilshire data show that small-cap stocks don’t really outperform as a group. They’re not bad, but over four decades they don’t really stand out either. Mid-cap stocks are a potential sweet spot, that investors can benefit from either by directly investing mid-cap fund or investing into an equal weight large-cap fund which tends to have a lot of overlap with the mid-cap space.

A 2017 study by Hendrik Bessembinder that analyzed virtually all U.S. public stocks over the past 90 years found that small-cap stocks have much higher performance variance. A smaller percentage of small-cap stocks provide positive long-term returns compared to the percentage of large-cap stocks that provide positive long-term returns. As a consequence, small stocks more frequently deliver returns that fail to match benchmarks.

Conversely, while the absolute best-performing small caps outperform the best-performing large caps over a given period, small caps as a group also have much higher rates of catastrophic loss.

Anytime you buy shares of a small, lessor-known company, there are a plethora of unknowns. Thus, it’s impossible to take the risk completely out of small-cap investing. But there are ways to minimize those risks without sacrificing potential profits.

The defining characteristics of small-cap stocks are that many are young, attractive investments and tend to be highly volatile. This volatility can be absolutely maddening for those who are new to small-cap investing (and even to those who aren’t).

Don’t let this volatility drive you away from small-cap stocks if you’re inclined to invest in them. Volatility comes and goes, and over the long-term small caps tend to beat the market.


It’s important to set up a clearly established set of rules ahead of time, and stick to them. The simple rules that can increase your odds of success, especially during uncertain markets, are:

Rule #1: Commit To The Long Term: One of the more frequently quoted Warren Buffett quips is, “If you aren’t thinking about owning a stock for 10 years, don’t even think about owning it for 10 minutes.”

You don’t need to own every small-cap stock you buy for the next decade. But you do need to look out at least a year or two if you expect to have significant success.

There are select examples of investors making money trading in and out of small caps in the short term. But very few can do it week in and week out, year after year. All the studies say the same thing; your odds of making money go up the longer you stick with small-cap stocks.

A study from Ibbotson, a financial research firm owned by Morningstar, found that investors have a 70% chance of making money with small-cap stocks if they stay invested for one year. That probability goes up to 82% after three years, 86% after five years and 98% after 10 years. The percentages aren’t all that different for large caps.

Rule #2: Dollar Cost Average Your Cost Basis: Small-cap stocks can be irrational in the short term. That’s why you never do anything too drastic. Don’t go all in on an individual stock on a big pullback, or a big breakout. Instead, average into a position by buying shares at different prices and on different days. The strategy helps to reduce the risk of buying a full position in a stock at an unlucky time, which is bound to happen occasionally.

The period over which you average in should be dictated by your holding time horizon. If you’re investing for just a year or two, you’ll probably average in over a week or two, maybe a month. If you’re in it for three or more years, you can average in over a year, or more.

Rule #3: Take Partial Profits: If averaging in makes sense, then averaging out should too. Consider selling a quarter or a half position on the way up, and especially if a gain has surpassed 100%. This doesn’t have to mean giving up on the stock. It’s simply a risk-mitigation strategy. The original capital can be allocated to a lower-risk investment.

Also, it’s fine to average back into a position even if you sold shares at an earlier date. Sometimes, especially during corrections, investors are forced to dump some shares to protect their gains. Months later, the stock might be doing just fine. If the growth story is intact and the market is trending up there’s no reason you can’t build up your position again.

Rule #4: Use a Stop Loss: For small cap stocks, many advisors advocate a 15% to 30% stop loss for large caps. The reason is that you often see quality small caps drop 20% or so during market corrections. Often, these are the times to average down if and when the stock has stabilized, assuming the stock’s growth story is intact,.

That said, it can also be a time to sell a partial, or full, position to protect gains, or help avoid catastrophic losses. How close you are to your desired position size will usually determine if you’re averaging in, or out. The underlying reason for using stop losses is that the bigger the loss, the bigger the return you need to get back to break even (see table below). Don’t go below the red line!

Rule #5: If You’re Not Sure What To Do, Do Nothing: Just because the market is open doesn’t mean you need to participate in it. If you’ve had a streak of losses, or things just don’t feel right, take a break. Focus your attention on a few stocks you’d like to own eventually and read up on those so you’re ready to go when the stock’s margin of safety improves, and your confidence returns.

As Warren Buffett said, “I’ve had periods in my life when I’ve had a bundle of ideas come along, and I’ve had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I’ll do something. If not, I won’t do a damn thing.”

Investing in small-cap stocks is a good way to earn huge returns. Consequently, there are two major ways to outperform the market.

  • You can take advantage of short-term price dislocation versus a company’s intrinsic value, or
  • Use long-term compounding to achieve market outperformance.



The Dow Jones Industrial Average

There are 30 Dow Jones stocks designed to serve as a bellwether for the general U.S. stock market.

Founded in 1896 with 12 stocks, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is one of the oldest stock market indexes and one of the most popular. It is designed to serve as a bellwether for the general U.S. stock market and an indictor of the overall U.S. economy. It is widely-recognized stock market indices. It measures the daily stock market movements of 30 U.S. publicly-traded companies listed on the NASDAQ or the  New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The 30 publicly-owned companies are considered leaders in the United States economy.

The index changes when one or more components experience financial distress that renders it a less important company in its sector when there is a significant shift in the economy that needs to be reflected in the composition.

Recent changes that occurred include:

  • March 2015, Apple replaced AT&T
  • September 2017, DowDuPont replaced DuPont. (Following the merger of Dow Chemical Company and DuPont)
  • July 2018, Wallgreens Boots Alliance Replaced General Electric

Other major stock indexes include the technology-heavy Nasdaq composite and the S&P 500 index — an index of the 500 largest companies in the United States.

The stock market historically performs similarly to the business cycle of the economy. A bear market (prices decrease 20% or more) occurs during a recession and a bull market (prices increase) during an expansion.

Business Cycle Phases.

The business cycle is the natural rise and fall of economic growth that occurs over time. The business cycle goes through four major phases: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough. The cycle is a useful tool for analyzing the economy.



Apple’s Stock Price Underperforms Market 2021 YTD

“‘Most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.’ Remembering Steve and the many ways he changed our world.”  Tim Cook

On June 8, 2021, Apple Inc. (ticker: AAPL) closed $18.35 below its 52-week high ($145.09), which the company achieved on January 25th, and the stock is down slightly more than 4% year-to-date (YTD).

No photo description available.

Despite the recent stock price underperformance, Apple remains the most valued U.S.-traded company, at $2.1 trillion market capitalization. On April 28, 2021, Apple announced financial results for its fiscal 2021 second quarter ended March 27, 2021. The Company posted a second quarter record revenue of $89.6 billion, up 54 percent year over year, and quarterly earnings per diluted share of $1.40. International sales accounted for 67 percent of the quarter’s revenue. While hardware like the iPhone and iPad will continue being a significant part of Apple’s revenue, look for services to play an increasingly important role over the next decade in the company’s growth and success.

Yet, investors remain concerned regarding the big questions facing Apple and its ecosystem, according to an article reported in the Wall Street Journal. The company has been sued for alleged anticompetitive behavior by “Fortnite” maker Epic Games over the rules and fees for its App Store. A bench trial on the matter wrapped up last week.

That trial ended with Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook facing sharp questions from U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, who seemed skeptical about some of the company’s explanations for its business practices on the App Store. A ruling in the case is not expected for months.

Apple’s share price has fallen 3% since the start of the trial and is now off nearly 7% for the year—the worst performance among its mega-cap tech peers. Part of that can be chalked up to worries about a peak iPhone cycle following the strong sales performance of last year’s models.

From a capital allocation perspective, Apple’s board hiked its dividend by 7% and announced a new $90B share repurchase program. Despite well-known industry chip supply constraints, Apple appears to be executing extremely well and is seeing robust demand across all business line.



Accumulating Wealth in the Stock Market

Updated: September 2, 2020

The stock market has been the  primary reason for the diverging wealth gap. The logical solution is to get more Americans invested in the stock market.  

According to Forbes, nine out of every 10 households with incomes over $100,000 own stocks. But sadly, most American’s don’t have any personal capital invested in stocks. Only 20% of households earning less than $40,000 own stocks. And research from the National Bureau of Economic Research shows almost two-thirds of investors have less than $10,000 in the stock market.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of Americans report that they participate in the stock market (own stocks), according to Gallop.

Furthermore, Gallup finds “relatively few Americans in lower-income households invested in stocks” and only 55% of Americans reported that they own stock, based on polls conducted in March and April of 2020. This is identical to the average 55% recorded in 2019 and similar to the average of 54% Gallup has measured since 2010.

In other words, the stock market’s exponential rise over the past decade has not helped most American families. In fact, “fewer Americans are benefiting from today’s bull market than did so in bull markets before the financial crisis.

The gains in stock values in recent years seem to have done little to persuade people who may have divested themselves of stocks to get back in the market” according to Gallup’s research.  In fact, a recent survey by Betterment highlights this great misfortune.  When asked how the stock market performed over the past decade, roughly half of those surveyed said the market had gone nowhere. Worse yet, a further 20% said they thought it fell!

Eighty-four percent (84%) of all stocks owned by Americans belong to the wealthiest 10 percent of households, according to NYU economist Edward N. Wolff.

The number of Americans who own stocks has plunged since 2000. But after a relentless 20-year decline, this trend is reversing. Thanks to commission-free trading led by Robinhood, all the major brokerages have seen millions of new investors flood into the market in 2020.

In short, millions of new investors are getting into stocks for the first time. And it’s a wonderful thing.

You will never accumulate wealth “Renting Out Your Time”

Working hard and saving money is necessary. But it’s often not sufficient.  Ramit Sethi wisely points out in I Will Teach You To Be Rich:

“Because of inflation, you’re actually losing money every day your money is sitting in a bank account.”

Additionally, Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad likes to say that:

“The rich get richer by continually reinvesting asset profits back into assets.”

Thus, as you may see, it is extremely important to make your money work for you.  But, it appears that most people don’t know how to make their money work for them. But if you want to build massive wealth, you need to put your dollars to work.

And, you can put your dollars to work by owning a piece of a successful business—owning stocks—that is the main path to accumulating wealth that’s available to anybody.

It’s okay if you only have a little money to get started. These days it’s totally free to buy stocks through most big brokerages. And you can usually open an account with as little as $100.

Start by investing in a market index fund 🙂 

The important thing regarding investing is to overcome the fear and break the inertia, and start investing. No more excuses. If you’re just getting started investing, first it is recommended that you buy a market index fund such as a S&P 500 Index mutual fund or exchange traded fund that owns a list of U.S. large cap stocks. That way you’ll own tiny fraction of hundreds of businesses.

An index is a list of companies…so when you buy S&P 500 index mutual fund or exchanged traded fund, you are buying an index that tracks the S&P 500.  In fact, buying  fund that tracks a market index is one of the best ways for beginner investors to get their feet wet in the stock market.

The S&P 500 is a stock market index that measures the performance of about 500 companies in the U.S. It includes companies across 11 sectors to offer a picture of the health of the U.S. stock market and the broader economy.  This stock market index is viewed as a measure of how well the stock market is performing overall.

Additionally, index funds continue to outperform the vast majority of the actively managed funds in their asset classes. In the 15 calendar years ended last Dec. 31, the S&P 500 Index outperformed 90.5% of all actively managed U.S. large-cap funds, according to analysts at S&P.  Among 13 specific asset classes, the percent of funds that under-performed their benchmark indexes were similar, ranging from a low of 81.4% for large-cap value funds to a high of 95.2% for mid-cap blend funds.

Focus on Asset Classes

Investors are increasingly focused on asset classes instead of individual stocks.  The reasons are that asset classes are much less risky than individual stocks, without sacrificing anything in terms of expected return.

  • The experts teach that the expected return of one stock is the same as the expected return of the entire asset class of which that stock is a member.
  • Yet the risk of owning just one stock is huge: It could disappear (relatively unlikely) or go into massive free-fall for any of a variety of reasons. There’s very little risk of that happening with an asset class made up of hundreds of stocks.

