Wells Fargo rejected nearly half of their Black homeowners refinancing applications

Only 47% of Black homeowners who submitted home mortgage loan refinance applications in 2020 were approved by Wells Fargo as opposed to 72% of white homeowners, according to a Bloomberg News analysis

While home mortgage rates in the U.S. hit an all-time low during the pandemic, African American homeowners did not have the same level of access to refinance and ultimately lower their long term interest costs as other homeowners.

“Only 47% of the Black homeowners who submitted refinance applications in 2020 were approved by Wells Fargo as opposed to 72% of white homeowners”, according to a Bloomberg News.

Wells Fargo rejected more Black homeowners refinance applications than it accepted.

While Black applicants had lower approval rates than White applicants at all major lenders, the data show, Wells Fargo lagged behind other major lenders in their approval rates for minority applicants and had the biggest disparity and was alone in rejecting more Black homeowners than it accepted. Overall, 71% of Black refinancing applicants in the country were approved in 2020, according to Bloomberg’s analysis.

Wells Fargo, the third largest bank in the United States by assets, was the sole lender that rejected more Black applicants than it accepted. Black homeowners faced more refinancing denials than other minority applicants such as Hispanic homeowners and Asian homeowners,

This remarkable wealth event has seen U.S. homeowners refinance almost $5 trillion in mortgages over the past two years. This refinancing has allowed White homeowners to save an estimated $3.8 billion annually by refinancing their mortgages in 2020, according to researchers at the U.S Federal Reserve. But it’s a door that barely opened for Black Americans, who make up 9% of all homeowners and locked in just $198 million a year, less than 4% of the savings.

Bias in Wells Fargo’s approvals for refinancing home mortgage loans

Wells Fargo approved a greater share of applications from low-income White homeowners than all but the highest-income Black applicants, who had an approval rate about the same as White borrowers in the lowest-income bracket.

The U.S. Justice Department has censored banks for lending practices that tend to elevate costs for minority borrowers. After the 2008 housing crisis revealed discriminatory treatment, authorities unleashed a wave of penalties against U.S. lending giants. Wells Fargo agreed in 2012 to pay more than $184 million to settle federal claims that it unfairly steered Black and Hispanic homeowners into subprime mortgages and charged them higher fees and interest rates.


  1. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-wells-fargo-black-home-loan-refinancing/
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/wells-fargo-rejected-nearly-half-of-their-black-homeowners-refinancing-applications/ar-AAVa7tL

Wells Fargo’s CEO believes there is a Limited Pool of Black Executive Talent

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.”  Alphonse Karr

What a classic example demonstrated by a major U.S. financial institution of the quote “the more things change, the more they stay the same”.  The saying is a reference to situations where there appears to be a meaningful change, but many underlying fundamentals are still the same.

Recently, Charlie Scharf, Wells Fargo’s CEO, wrote in a June memo to employees, “While it might sound like an excuse, the unfortunate reality is that there is a very limited pool of Black to recruit from,” according to Reuters. Scharf also repeated this claim in a Zoom meeting over the summer, exasperating Black employees.

According to the Washington Post, less than 5 percent of those holding senior executive positions at Wells Fargo in 2018, a year before Scharf became chief executive officer, were Black.

Committing to diversity and inclusion shouldn’t just be a marketing ploy; it should just be who you are.

Like Wells Fargo, many corporations have released marketing statements committing to change and to the elimination of structural racism and racial inequality. But, they have not released comprehensive data on the racial diversity of their employees and in leadership positions to the public. Regrettably, we must assume that many CEOs harbor similar shortsighted beliefs, and they continue to embrace the excuse that there exist a paucity of Black executive talent in America.

“We value and promote diversity and inclusion in every aspect of our business and at every level of our organization” Wells Fargo’s Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Although Scharf apologized profusely for his bonehead remarks and commented that his remarks reflected his “own unconscious bias”, we must asks whether his beliefs, which one must assume is also the company’s mindset, have actually changed.

“The point isn’t to get people to accept that they have biases, but to get them to see [for themselves] that those biases have negative consequences for others.” — Theresa McHenry, HR Director at Microsoft UK

“Wells Fargo is badly broken in multiple ways and that starts at the top,” Senator Elizabeth Warren commented. “Its CEO has an unfathomable blind spot about how and why this giant bank fails to hire, promote, and fairly compensate Black talent.”

Consequently, it’s difficult to argue against Senator Warren’s point. Since, the primary benefit of hiring from a racially and gender diverse talent pool is that it immediately expands the depth of the pool and increases your chances of hiring the best executive talent.


  1. https://www.businessinsider.com/aoc-sherrod-brown-criticize-wells-fargo-ceo-scharf-black-talent-2020-9
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/wells-fargo-ceo-issues-apology-after-saying-there-was-a-limited-pool-of-black-talent/ar-BB19mize?ocid=uxbndlbing

Wells Fargo Cuts Its Dividend | THE STREET

After the Fed’s stress tests on banks, buybacks are halted through at least the end of September, and common-stock dividends are capped at an average of the past four quarters’ earnings

Wells Fargo  announced it will cut its dividend, breaking rank with all of Wall Street’s other big banks, following the Federal Reserve’s move to set new restrictions on dividend payouts to shareholders.

The fourth-biggest U.S. bank by assets announced it plans to cut its dividend from the 51 cents it paid in each of the four most-recent quarters. The bank said it would announce its payout when it reports second-quarter earnings on July 14.

The move marks the first time since the financial crisis that a major U.S. bank has slashed its quarterly reward to shareholders, though it also comes as the Fed literally backstops banks and other lenders with almost free money to keep cash flowing through the economy amid the coronavirus pandemic and ensuing economic collapse.

Read more:  https://www.thestreet.com/investing/wells-fargo-wfc-dividend-cut-wall-street-banks