The Magic Penny…The Power of Compounding

Imagine that a stranger walks up to you tomorrow and either offers you a one time payment of one million dollars ($1,000,000) in cash now or offers you a ‘magic penny’ that doubles in value everyday for thirty-one days.  In other words, when you wake up the next day, you miraculously have two pennies; on day three, four pennies; on day four eight pennies, and so forth.

Which would you take?

Believe it or not, thanks to the magic of compounding, the ‘magic penny’ would be worth over $10 million dollars after thirty-one days.  In other words, you would be better off taking the ‘magic penny’ than accepting a one-time payment of $1,000,000.  The illustration below shows the math:

Starting to save for retirement late can greatly reduce your overall nest egg

Investing Early Is Crucial

Getting started saving and investing early is perhaps the most important retirement axiom in personal finance.  The magical penny not only provides a vivid example of the sheer power of exponential growth, but also helps reinforce the value of early savings. By missing just the first nine days of the thirty-one days results in a significant difference in final outcome in accumulated values.



