The Passing Away of the WWII Generation

Behind every living person lies a great story waiting to be told. One of life’s greatest tragedies is dying without telling your story. Regrettably, the stories and experiences of many African American WWII veterans are going untold.

The Passing Away of the WWII Generation
Every single day in the calendar year 2023, World War II veterans’ stories and personal experiences are disappearing forever. Yielding to the inevitable aging process and time, the men and women who served, fought, and won the great conflict are now in their mid-90s or older. The youngest veteran is estimated to be 95 years young.
According to US Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, 167,284 of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II were alive in 2022.
The book ‘African American Experience During World War II’ provides the stories and experiences of the 1.6 million African American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who served and fought during World War II.