Top Five Global Investment Risks In 2021 | Charles Schwab

The top five global risks for investors in 2021 are all surprises to the consensus view:

  • Problems with the vaccine rollout,
  • Geopolitical and trade tensions do not subside,
  • Fiscal and/or monetary policy tightens,
  • A “zombie” economy, and
  • Interest rate/dollar shock.

History demonstrates that the biggest financial risks in a typical year aren’t usually from out of left field (although a black swan did occur in 2020 with the COVID-19 outbreak). Rather, they are often hiding in plain sight.

Risk appears when there is a very high degree of confidence among market participants in a specific outcome that doesn’t pan out. So, by identifying the unexpected, here are the top five downside global risks for investors in 2021. To read more:

Be prepared

Whether or not these particular risks come to pass, a new year almost always brings surprises of one form or another. Having a well-balanced, diversified portfolio and being prepared with a plan in the event of an unexpected outcome are keys to successful investing.

