Young and Turning Sixty

For those of us who are turning sixty years young, we sexagenarian have much in life to be grateful and thankful regardless of the current hand we’ve been dealt. As we ease into the seventh decade of life, just the mere fact that we were able to awake each morning, to take another breath, and to feel the warmth of the of the sun on our skins represents a great blessing.

Furthermore, we should cherish and appreciate each day of walking above ground since the daily walk is not guaranteed and it beats the alternative by a wide margin.

Additionally, we should all be from the school of thought which dictates that as long as you’re alive, you should never, never, never, give up on on this life, or give up on achieving your dreams and goals. You should not fear failure, but you should fear not trying or quitting too early before achieving your dreams and goals. Follow the example of the Ohio born Thomas Edison who was quoted as saying that “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” When trying to create the incandescent light bulb. After thousands of repeated failures, he persevered and never permitted the fear of failure stop him from realizing his dream.

So, my fellow sexagenarians, never give up on pursuing your dreams or passion… since it never too late to write the next great American novel, to visit that faraway dream vacation destination, or to pursue that new skill of learning to play the piano or alto saxophone.

When in doubt, remember the words of the genius Albert Einstein, You never fall until you stop trying.”