VA Nexis Letter and Sample

A Nexus Letter is a critical medical document linking a veteran’s disability to their military service, often crucial for VA disability claim approval.

A Nexis Letter should be composed by a qualified doctor, including a comprehensive review of the veteran’s medical and service records, to assert the service connection of the disability. In other words, a Nexus Letter provides an expert opinion on whether your disability is service-connected. Here are some key points about Nexus Letters:

  1. Purpose: A Nexus Letter establishes a connection between your disability and your time in service. It’s especially important if you didn’t receive a diagnosis until after your military service or if you’re filing a secondary service-connected claim related to an existing disability.
  2. When Needed: You’ll likely need a Nexus Letter if your condition isn’t explicitly documented during service or isn’t on the VA’s list of presumptive conditions for service connection. Without a Nexus Letter, your chances of claim approval decrease significantly.
  3. Content: A Nexus Letter should be factual, concise, and specific. It ties your disability directly to your military service based on the doctor’s examination and review of your medical records.

Remember, including a Nexus Letter with your VA disability claim enhances your chances of approval. If the VA denies your claim, it can also be valuable evidence for an appeal. 🇺🇸

Here is an example of a nexus letter that contains all the appropriate elements.

DATE _________________

Reference: (Veteran’s name) _________

SS# ________ VA File # _______________

To Whom It May Concern,

I am Dr. _________.  I am board-certified in my specialty. My credentials are included. I have been asked to write a statement in support of the aforementioned Veteran’s disability claim.

I have personally reviewed their medical history. (Name the Documents) I have also reviewed and noted the circumstances and events of their military service in the years ____________ (Event or Events claims as the cause of the condition) while they served during their military service. (List dates of service)

Mr/Ms/Mrs. ________ has been a patient under my care since (enter date). Their diagnosis is ___________ (Name the Condition).

I am familiar with their history and have examined Mr/Ms/Mrs. ________ often while they were under my care. (Specify Lab Work, X-rays, Etc.)

Mr/Ms/MRS. ________ has no other known risk factors that may have precipitated their current condition.

After a review of the pertinent records, it is my professional opinion that it is at least as likely as not that Mr/Ms/Mrs. ________’s condition is a direct result of their (Event) as due to their military service.

Based on my personal experience and the medical literature, it is known (Provide a rationale).


Dr. ______
