Volatility, Sell-offs and Opportunities

A equity market selloff represents an opportunity for investors to scoop up stocks of great companies at bargain-basement prices

Additionally, periods of volatility provide opportunities to find quality at attractive values. When you have cash on hand, market volatility is a gift

There’s nothing better than indiscriminate selling to create a buying opportunity. Good news gets overlooked, and small disappointments can be magnified to tragic proportions. And stocks can suddenly become available at fire-sale prices without anything about their businesses fundamentals changing.

Ones preference should be to balance companies that depend on a strong economy for their growth with so-called secular growers that can remain strong even if the economy slows.

According to seasoned investors, retail investors should like three types of stocks: traditional growth stocks, which are growing earnings at a faster rate than the market; “blue-sky stocks,” midsize companies that could become large; and restructuring stories that could become traditional growth stocks in the future.
