Want to set financial goals? Start with one word | Vanguard

“Don’t.” Saying “don’t” is more empowering than saying I can’t.

It’s a word we often use as a command or when we’re rattling off a set of rules. But we also use it when we state simple facts—and the gravity of a well-placed “don’t” can make any mission statement sound a lot more decisive.

Here’s how a simple shift in the way you talk about your financial goals can go a long way toward helping you reach them. Your financial goals, such as managing debt, buying your first home, saving for education, retirement, and planning for health care costs, are important to you.

This infographic explains why “don’t” is a more empowering word to use than “can’t” when describing investing goals. “Don’t” puts you in control of your decisions.

Content inspired by the insights of Vanguard Senior Behavioral Scientist Annie Wilson, PhD. Annie received a PhD in consumer behavior from Harvard Business School and now works with Vanguard’s Center for Analytics and Insight.


  1. https://investornews.vanguard/want-to-set-financial-goals-that-stick-this-year-start-with-one-word/