What Is Financial Health? – Morningstar Blog

When evaluating a client’s “financial health,” advisors should take into account both economic stability and emotional well-being.

Emotional health is wreaking havoc on their finances. Some clients may be financially well-off, but so fearful of making a wrong choice that they don’t make any, leaving their wealth to slowly erode in cash accounts. Then there are clients who spend too freely, choosing blissful ignorance about potential damage to their bottom line.

Neither of these types of clients are financially healthy—regardless of wealth—because an individual’s attitude toward finances is just as essential to overall health as it is to the economic aspects of one’s life. In fact, the American Psychological Association  reports that money is continually one of the top sources of stress in U.S. households, regardless of the economic climate. 

It’s time to redefine the term “financial health” so it includes both a person’s economic stability and emotional well-being around his finances.  

— Read on www.morningstar.com/blog/2019/04/11/financial-health.html
