What You Focus on Expands

“What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.” – Robin Sharma

“What you focus on expands” suggests that the things you give your attention to—whether positive or negative—tend to grow in significance and impact in your life.

Your brain is wired to filter out distractions, allowing you to focus on what you deem important. This means that when you concentrate on specific thoughts, feelings, or experiences, you enhance their presence in your life.

Additionally, by focusing on certain aspects of your lives, you become more aware of them. This heightened awareness can lead to increased opportunities and experiences related to those focal points.

When you concentrate on positive aspects—such as gratitude, goals, or strengths—you often find more reasons to feel good and motivated. This can lead to improved mental health and greater success.

Conversely, if you dwell on negative thoughts or challenges, those feelings can amplify, leading to stress, anxiety, or a sense of helplessness.

“What you focus on expands” is not just a motivational saying; it’s a principle rooted in psychological research that highlights the importance of intentional focus in shaping your experiences and outcomes.

By consciously directing your attention towards positivity, growth, and gratitude, you create a more fulfilling and enriched life.

Each day, you should note things you appreciate in a gratitude journal; this shifts your focus to positivity and increases feelings of gratitude in your life.

Source:  https://ninaamir.com/prove-what-focus-on-expands/


