When You Have a Long-Term Strategy | Beyond Your Hammock

“If you ever hear yourself or anyone you care about starting to express the belief that a problem is permanent, it’s time to immediately shake that person loose. No matter what happens in your life, you’ve got to be able to believe, ‘This, too, shall pass,’ and that if you keep persisting, you’ll find a way.”  Tony Robbins

Most people make short-term and limited decisions without considering how these choices impact things to the right when you’re only looking left. Here’s how to solve that problem.

If we could compare life to walking through a forest, we could say that you pass a lot of trees along the way. And most people tend to obsess over the nearest tree.

It’s just human nature: you focus on the tree nearest to you and you lose sight of that entire forest that is your life.  We must understand that proper planning, deliberation, and insight allows you to step back, see more, and better understand where you are now in relation to where you want to go.

The decisions you make right now should be in the context of everything that’s happening now and the future. You need to understand that the way in which you use your money and the choices you make impact you life now and down the road.

Looking at the forest means taking a step back and understanding how everything is interconnected — and how to make decisions around that.

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” Those who think they can achieve financial freedom can actually do it.

Source  https://beyondyourhammock.com/34/
