Your Health is an Investment

Your health is an investment, not an expense.

The health of Americans is on a bad trajectory, it is declining. Things such as: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and like health epidemics are growing at a feverish pace.

Healthcare — both preventive and reactive — is becoming harder to obtain. And, unfortunately, the industry focuses more on reactive approaches to disease and pushing pharmaceuticals than preventative approaches to treating diseases.

It’s important to know think proactively about all of the things you spend money on. Some things are critical to living such as food, a roof over your head, and clothes to wear.

However, as a whole, many people tend to spend money on some things that are unnecessary like a new luxury vehicle or a glamorous vacation, and then think that they don’t have enough money to invest in our health.

The biggest and most obvious reason that you should invest in your health is that you only get one body, mind and life! If you fail to take care of your body and mind, sooner or later you will suffer the consequences and they will fail you at a great cost at a later date and time. Thus, you must regularly invest in your health. The several types of investments to make regularly are:

  • Sleep – 7-8 hrs/night
  • Food – 50-70% good fats, 20-30% healthy proteins and less than 20% carbohydrates from organic, non-gmo, non-processed and non-added sugar sources
  • Hydration – Half your body weight in ounces per day, no more than 3 quarts
  • Exercise – 30 minutes per day of some type of exercise/movement
  • Stress – Daily stress-reducing and relaxation techniques
  • Gratitude– Being grateful for your daily blessings and the joy in your life
  • Spiritual/Mindfulness – Spending time nurturing your faith daily

If you’re not, then you’re spending time regularly neglecting your health.

  • You’re either getting quality sleep or you’re not.
  • You’re either eating foods that will nourish and fuel your body or you’re not.
  • You’re either properly hydrating on a regular basis, or not.
  • You’re either exercising in some way daily, or you’re not.
  • You’re either working to reduce stress on a daily basis or you’re not.
  • You’re either focusing on all of the good in your life and working towards your goals, or not.

You should do something daily to invest back in your health. If not, some day you’re going to wish you had made different choices along the way.

Optimal health is not something you can buy; however, it might just be the most valuable investment you can ever make.

Today be thankful and think of how rich you really are. Your family and friends are priceless, your time is gold, and your health is wealth.

