Your health is an investment, not an expense. John Quelch
What would you call an investment that involves little to no risk, requires little money or capital to start, is available equally to every American, grows more valuable every year, is a proven career booster and can generate hundreds of thousands of dollars of extra savings over a lifetime?
It’s called good health.
August is National Wellness Month and a great opportunity to make an investment in your overall health and wellness, so you can do more of the activities you love now, and remain healthy enough to do the activities you enjoy in the future. Thus, it is essential that you view your physical, mental and emotional health as a long term investment, not an expense.
Think about all of the things you spend money on. Some things are critical to living such as food, a roof over your head, and clothes to wear. However, as a whole, you tend to spend money on some things that are unnecessary, and then think that you don’t have enough money to invest in and to manage your health.
Invest in your health for ‘health is wealth’
The biggest and most obvious reason that you should invest in your health is that you only get one body and mind in your lifetime. This means that keeping your body and mind. healthy should be your top priority.
Another great reason to take care of your body today is that you may not have taken the best care of it in the past. Whether it was all the process foods and sugary snacks you ate as a kid, or the one too many beers you had in college, most Americans could stand to make up for an unhealthy lifestyle in their past. The other reason you should invest in your health today is that the investment will pay off and compound in the long term. To paraphrase an adage…the best time to invest in your health was ten years ago and the second best time is today.
The best investment you can ever make is in your own health.
More than ever you must not only protect, but focus on improving your mental, emotional and physical health. It’s important that you find ways of improving your well-being and taking care of your health because it is an investment worth making.
One way to emphasize your health is to manage and measure your health.
REMINDER! Your health is an investment, not an expense. Make sure to prioritize you and your health this #WellnessWednesday
— Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine (@UofUMedicine) July 28, 2021
Healthy aging
So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health. A. J. Reb Materi
The bottom line is that you should be spending at least as much time educating yourself and dedicating yourself to healthy lifestyles, exercise and diets as you do to maximizing your returns on investment.